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Everything posted by ProjectPact

  1. Unfortunately I will not be doing trials for this script
  2. no, you could create a monitor that would run during login parallel to the login handler and scrap data that way.
  3. Unfortunately I had to stop doing trials due to trial abuse it’s sad a group of people ruined it for everyone
  4. Works on any account and the script currently supports over 6,000 items, with more coming soon
  5. That's part of 1 ticking, you can choose to use it or not. But everything needs to happen at a specific time for it to be as accurate and past as possible
  6. Can you add me on discord? Link to the discord can be found on the first page Would like to look into this
  7. Can you send me the logger?
  8. It doesn’t click exactly the same spot, but it does click the first grape. When I’m done with my current project I can make it random for ya
  9. It's not OSBot, nor OSBuddy. It is most definitely from another source, such as the one you speak of. P.S - be careful with free scripts that aren't on the SDN
  10. has it done it to you since?
  11. There is no noted item support in the script. If there is a problem withdrawing it is not my script. I use OSBot’s methods. I’ll look into it again, but I might have to make a bug report
  12. Did you make sure you had a dueling ring on and a games necklace?
  13. If you post one on here I’ll add it to the front page
  14. If you have organize Inventory checked it will
  15. that's strange, I've never seen that. Try deleting your OSBot folder and reinstalling it.
  16. Did you run this on mirror mode?
  17. There is a discord link on the front of the thread. You are more than welcome to join. There are hundreds of users in there, most of which own the hunter script, that you can ask questions and get their opinions
  18. Unfortunately I had to stop doing trials due to the abuse of the system
  19. Guns don't kill people. Dumbass people do.
  20. Thanks, and I got it keeping track live so you know the exact moment someone is in the world so you can hop. It does refresh your list upon logging out and back in so you make sure you have people found in your current world being reported. And as far as the wilderness data, I had to write my own API for my hunter script, so I just used it again for this.
  21. The script will automatically update whenever the developers have time to push it All you will have to do is restart the script and it will be updated (whenever they do push it). It requires no additional work from you.
  22. I recommend changing your tactics. 3 users posted pictures in Discord of getting 99 hunter last week. Pictures are there in the progress reports section if you need proof. Link can be found on the first page. Edit: here are some
  23. Version 0.4 has been pushed! * Added Space bar to continue while making jugs of wine * Rewrote the bank handler
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