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Script Factory Developer
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Everything posted by ProjectPact

  1. There are over 400+ premade public scripts! https://www.pposb.org/SDN/repository.php However, with Script Factory, you can make your own scripts without any programming knowledge. It is all logical based! If bank is closed -> Open bank
  2. So this isn't a quest bot, this is a script that allows you to create your own scripts without any programming knowledge
  3. Yes, all scripts are built with SF’s API, so no one can inject malicious code if that’s what you are referring to. All source code is also open source, so you have access to the entire script when you download it as far as seeing the scripts, you can find the repository on www.pposb.org
  4. AHKing pvp might be a little challenging, however l have seen pk'ing scripts made so... But yes, making shop buyers is extremely easy and there are some on the Script Network you could just download (Script network is community driven with over 400+ scripts)
  5. I am not 100% sure of the different payment ways to be honest since they are handled by OSBot. Enjoy your trial
  6. What did the log say? It should have gotten a new bird. I will look into this for you Someone just posted this in my Discord
  7. Can you send me the logs please, I’ll take a peek at it for you!
  8. The script was hidden from the store, but if you purchased SF 1.0, then it will still be in your client list (Start OSBot and it is in your script selector) If you do want to upgrade to 2.0, it is only $14.99!
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