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Script Factory Developer
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Everything posted by ProjectPact

  1. Yes, if you think about it, it’s one less action the bot has to do. If you simply click the trap, it won’t walk under it to do so. You would be 1 tile away after picking up the trap. The most efficient way, and standard way most real players do, is walk under the trap and then pick it up. That way you’ll be directly on top of the tile you needed to be on when you place the new trap.
  2. If you’re on a proxy, sometimes the servers take longer to process, if you’re talking about loading scripts are taking forever, go to your script factory settings and disable “print to logger”
  3. What operating system are you using? Also, try deleting your OSBot folder and reinstalling it (MAKE SURE TO GRAB YOUR SCRIPTS OUT OF THE SCRIPT FACTORY FOLDER BEFORE YOU DO SO)
  4. There used to be a discord section, but we moved to the forums. No one has posted any on the forums yet.
  5. v1.37: Added hiscores Added dynamic signatures Minor fixes v1.36: Fixed a bug with threaded keys Minor fixes v1.35: Added #changeItemPriceBy5Percent to Grand Exchange Added #startManualBuyOffer and #startManualSellOffer to Grand Exchange Added a QoL update that will ignore <Col> text on RS2Widget actions and spells Minor fixes v1.34: Added the Shantay pass bank as a member’s only bank Removed Clan wars bank
  6. Just purchased the Rapsodo launch monitor. Curious if anyone has used a launch monitor for their game, and if it helped in any way.
  7. Yes, the commands are found on https://pposb.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=13
  8. v1.33: Added #isPositionVisible to Map Added #isHoveringEntity to Mouse Minor fixes v1.32: Added #validateEntityMenu to interaction events Fixed a bug with the spelling of “Defence” options Minor fixes
  9. Can you get me a GIF of it running so I know what you're talking about and see if I can push a fix for you
  10. You create your own anti-ban, as you have the ability to make the bot do whatever you want. As far as randomness in concerned, I have already added that stuff in the backend, so you don't have to worry about that (if that is what you are referring to as anti-ban). the mouse is already supported via the OSBot client, so you start whichever one you want up. as far as trials, I typically don't. On some special occasions I do! I'll have to see about if we can get them going again.
  11. Seems like one of your methods is messed up. If you join the discord I could help faster!
  12. v1.31: Added hotkeys for changing Method Numbers (ctrl++/ctrl+-) Added color detection to Timers in the Variables GUI Fixed a bug resuming timers Fixed a bug not pausing all timers when stopping a script Minor fixes v1.30: Fixed a bug with method shift Fixed a bug that would not enable timers after hitting play Fixed a bug that did not disable checking for quest links for walker checks Minor fixes v1.29: Added the ability to use wildcard options (“*”) for #hoverEntity in Mouse Added pausing timers when stopping the script Fixed a bug with #walkDirectional in WalkTo Fixed a bug with detecting if RS2Objects and NPCs are under your player Minor fixes
  13. Join the Discord. As for specific script related help, you'll have to speak with the people who created those scripts. It will say the author's name next to the script. You will pretty much be able to find everyone in the Discord.
  14. It’s a cache issue. Happened to me as well. Just clear your cache.
  15. Could get 1 script that comes with over 100+ free scripts and the ability to create your own without any programming knowledge https://osbot.org/forum/topic/157469-osrs-script-factory/
  16. v1.28: Fixed a bug with CLI Fixed a bug with #getTradingPlayerName in Trading Minor fixes v1.27: Added a new theme to go along with OSBot 3.0 Fixed a bug that would not clear Path variables Minor fixes
  17. sent you a message back on Discord.
  18. I'm almost 100% positive OSBot's walker supports the wilderness ditch dialogue. @Patrick wasn't that added a while ago? As far as going to wrong location, where does it take you? It should use games necklace to Corp, then walk north.
  19. Currently no option to turn off anti-pk.
  20. Make sure you use the new OSBot Dev build.
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