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Script Factory Developer
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Everything posted by ProjectPact

  1. v1.71: Added a new check for Thread eating when HP is <= 0 Added a reminder on the Queued scripts GUI Added new hover effects for the Script selection GUI Fixed an issue that caused Thread eating not to work with other skills besides HitPoints [Script Network] Fixed a bug that would display full email addresses as usernames Minor fixes
  2. v1.71: Added a new check for Thread eating when HP is <= 0 Added a reminder on the Queued scripts GUI Added new hover effects for the Script selection GUI Fixed an issue that caused Thread eating not to work with other skills besides HitPoints [Script Network] Fixed a bug that would display full email addresses as usernames Minor fixes
  3. v1.70: [Script Network] Fixed a spelling issue when verifying threads [Script Network] Fixed a bug that allowed non-supported characters in threads Minor fixes
  4. v1.70: [Script Network] Fixed a spelling issue when verifying threads [Script Network] Fixed a bug that allowed non-supported characters in threads Minor fixes
  5. v1.69: Added #rightClickRandomPlayer in Player Added #stringContains to Variables Added #isRelativePosition to RS2Widgets Added #isRelativePositionContainingText to RS2Widgets Added ‘Current Position’ to #replacePositions in Variables Added the new delimiter in the CLI generator in Variables Added a new settings option for automatic screenshots on level ups and pets Fixed a bug loading CLI (new delimiter is “;”) [Script Network] Fixed a an issue with script threads that have not been approved yet [Script Network] Added a warning if leaving an empty comment Minor fixes
  6. v1.69: Added #rightClickRandomPlayer in Player Added #stringContains to Variables Added #isRelativePosition to RS2Widgets Added #isRelativePositionContainingText to RS2Widgets Added ‘Current Position’ to #replacePositions in Variables Added the new delimiter in the CLI generator in Variables Added a new settings option for automatic screenshots on level ups and pets Fixed a bug loading CLI (new delimiter is “;”) [Script Network] Fixed a an issue with script threads that have not been approved yet [Script Network] Added a warning if leaving an empty comment Minor fixes
  7. Here you go! This should help answer some questions https://osbot.org/forum/topic/165996-purchase-script-factory/
  8. v1.68: [Script Network] Added the ability to see the type of script in the Script Manager [Script Network] Fixed a bug that would revert the script type after updating [Script Network] Fixed a filtering issue [Script Network] Fixed a refresh issue [Script Network] Fixed an issue setting version numbers that were not whole numbers [Script Network] Fixed a NPE Minor fixes
  9. v1.67: Added the brand new Script Network Minor fixes
  10. ProjectPact

    AIO Walker

    AIO Walker Features: - Select from a list of supported locations - Start the script anywhere - Utilizes OSBot's webwalker - Stops script when location is reached Support Areas: - AL_KHARID - CATHERBY - DRAYNOR - EAST_ARDOUGNE - FALADOR - GRAND_EXCHANGE - LUMBRIDGE - PORT_SARIM - SEERS_VILLAGE - VARROCK_SQUARE
  11. ProjectPact

    AIO Fighter

    AIO Fighter Simple, easy to use, AIO Fighter that allows you to input an NPC and food. Great base for a combat script as well! Right now, the script will eat at 45% health, however you may change this value within the script if you would like. If you are not using any food with the script, just put "N/A" in the user-input section that appear when starting the script. If there are any problems, please let me know!
  12. AIO High Alcher How to use: Input the name of the item you would like to alch. The script will automatically log you out once it runs out of items. Please remember to input item names exactly as they are spelt in-game.
  13. AIO Shop Buyer How to use: Start the script in the store where you would like to buy your items and have cash in your inventory. When prompted, please input the follow fields with exact spelling: 1. Item to purchase 2. Shop keeper name 3. NPC Interaction action 4. Buying amount
  14. v0.14: Added a fail-safe to stop trying to hover the next trap while under attack Fixed a bug with teleporting above 30 wilderness when hunting Black chinchompas Fixed an issue that would rotate the camera excessively when hunting Salamanders Fixed the logic for picking up traps Minor fixes
  15. Yes it works! I’ve never gotten a ban and have used it on my main, and every account I’ve ever had.
  16. Correct, this version only kills zulrah for you, but Zack made a full version in beta on the expansion.
  17. Only issue reported was with black chinchompas. I said I would look at it when I finished my SF update. I am one person doing very large updates to scripts while working a full time job. It is called patience.
  18. This is the free one (only supports killing Zulrah), there is a more built one in the Expansion pack.
  19. Please report to the script author. I made script factory, not those free public scripts.
  20. v1.66: Added more files prepping for a very large update Removed all #isOnScreen checks since OSBot 2.6.25 removed them Minor fixes
  21. v1.66: Added more files prepping for a very large update Removed all #isOnScreen checks since OSBot 2.6.25 removed them Minor fixes
  22. https://osbot.org/forum/topic/165996-purchase-script-factory/
  23. It said my 99 hunter bot was a PVM Ranged Bot. Lol
  24. v1.65: Added new supporting functions for a big update coming soon. Fixed a bug with #moveMouseSlightly Minor fixes
  25. v1.65: Added new supporting functions for a big update coming soon. Fixed a bug with #moveMouseSlightly Minor fixes
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