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Script Factory Developer
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Everything posted by ProjectPact

  1. Can yall be more specific so I can fix whatever it is that is messing up?
  2. I wrote something but it's still being tested. I left for a church retreat (I'm a camp counselor)
  3. I am having a lot of trouble with bank.withdraw(item, int)... like gets the wrong amount like 50% of the time.
  4. I will let you know man! Sorry again... I wish OSBot's methods were more reliable
  5. I'm at work until late this evening, but when I get home I will continue working on it. Just wish the Admins would respond to my bug report
  6. As stated multiple times, I have filled out a bug report dealing with this. I am using OSBot's method. I have NO CONTROL over it. I have no control of fixing this bug, because I didn't write it, OSBot did. I am however working on creating my own method in my free time, however I have a life, go to school, and am interning... Which are all more important to me than coding. Like I said, I have notified the Developers of the bug already. You just have to be patient. I'm sorry, I'm doing all I can.
  7. Will do buddy! I'll start working on it after church for ya!
  9. Yup! I will write a custom method, but I can't right now. Lol I'm not home... and it's the 4th of July! Time to drink and blow stuff up!
  10. This is an error with OSBot's method. I have mentioned it to the admins EDIT: Is the banking fixed?
  11. Idk, as I do not have control over the SDN... I just push the scripts and then Eric releases them to the public on OSBot's end.
  12. Doesn't update automatically, the updates are pushed from the SDN manager
  13. Update will be released tonight! 1.5 has been released!
  14. Currently have a testing acc and am working on the issues! Update should be up hopefully soon. I found the problem
  15. I got 80 agility from barbarian fishing
  16. Sample code: if(!getInventory().contains(itemEquip)){ log("Ran out of " + itemEquip + ". Stopping script!"); stop(); } I'll have a full inventory of "itemEquip", yet it thinks I don't have any in my script and will just log me out. I'm using the mirror client on a Mac. (Already checked for misspelling in my code) EDIT: this doesn't mess up on injection though...
  17. That's an OSBot error, but like I mentioned previously, I am writing my own method for it.
  18. Best pre workout is an apple, a banana, scoop of peanut butter, and water that contains a scoop of BCAA's! (no jitters, no rapid heart beats, no flushing, healthier than synthetic sugars and loads of caffeine)
  19. I'm rewriting my withdraw method...OSBot's is really buggy. So I'm in the middle of making my own
  20. I made an update but forgot to push it before I left. I'm at my lake house until tomorrow morning. I'll make sure to push it right when I get home!
  21. Depending on your level will depict the rate of which you gain exp! But I can look into speeding up banking a little
  22. New mirror client has random bugs in it that weren't in previous version.
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