Well OSBot, the time has come to finally release my AIO Hunter script that I've been working on for more than 3 months. This script is so advanced, I can't believe it is even finished. I would encourage you to read the forum post, just to see for yourself. Found here.
This project would not have been made possible without a few people, but the biggest being Lemons. He has been my main man since day 1. He has not only helped me with my script, but has helped me grow as a script writer. So I want to especially thank him for everything he has done!
Next I wanna thank the beta testers (both rounds of them) for helping me out by pointing out all the bugs and sending me amazing progress reports!
This script is going to continue to grow until it is the best script seen on OSBot! I'm so happy to be able to share this script with the community, because I know a lot of y'all have wanted it! So, to the OSBot community, thank you for your patience while I work on this script for sometimes multiple hours a day.
I'm so happy it's done, and I can't wait to see how many of you guys get to enjoy it!
P.S - The script should hopefully be released tomorrow at 8:00pm Eastern Time, however this is not a promise. Keep checking back!
Thanks again,
AIO Hunter Thread: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/74320-projectpacts-aio-hunter-the-most-advanced-hunter-script-ever-made/#entry821969
(Initial stability test for release. This was taken at the furthest spot chins walk over to. Was NOT going for exp/profit, just time running properly.)