Alright everyone! I would like to apologize for the delay of the update. However, I went above and beyond and rewrote pretty much 90% of the script! All interactions are now OSBot's, so if there are any problems, please let me know and I will file a bug report!
A LOT of updates!
Users may now choose on of the following spells:
- Wind Strike, Confuse, Water Strike, Earth Strike, Weaken, Fire Strike, Wind Bolt, Curse, Water Bolt, Earth Bolt, Fire Bolt, Crumble Undead, Wind Blast, Water Blast, Iban Blast, Magic Dart, Earth Blast, Fire Blast, Saradomin strike, Claws of Guthix, Flames of Zamorak, Wind Wave, Water Wave, Earth Wave, Fire Wave, & Stun.
I've also fixed the bug that would keep clicking the spell when you were auto castings... now you just have to select the option on the GUI and it won't auto click for you
checks the appropriate conditions for every spell on the list (runes, level, staffs, etc..)
Hope you guys enjoy the update! Please let me know if there is anything wrong!
- ProjectPact