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Script Factory Developer
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Everything posted by ProjectPact

  1. ProjectPact


    Mirror mode or injection?
  2. Okay, I will look at this for you!
  3. Were there any errors in the logger?
  4. Running on mirror or injection?
  5. the loot is in your inventory or are you putting it in a looting bag?
  6. I need debug data, not mouse coords. You need to enable the debugger so you can hover the chest
  7. Hey! Could you enable the debugger on OSBot and hover the bank and send me a screenshot?
  8. SF 2.0 has all the pro edition baked into it The Pro Edition was for SF 1.0
  9. any wilderness tasks need one
  10. It does not currently support that
  11. If you just purchased it within the past couple of days, maybe @Maldesto can refund you to get the lifetime version!
  12. Sick of monthly payments? Now you can own Script Factory 2.0 for a one-time fee! Explore the new product in the OSBot store here:
  13. Sick of monthly payments? Now you can own Script Factory 2.0 for a one-time fee! Explore the new product in the OSBot store here:
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