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  1. dont use this script for varrock rooftop course. 5 diff accounts of mine got banned on same course on 5 different times.
  2. MIRROR MODE DOESNT WORK??? it just stands there in mirror mode ffs.......
  3. on mirror..... i start script and NOTHING HAPPENS.... just stands and does nothing
  4. im infront of silk stall in ardy, and i click start script and NOTHING HAPPENS..... the mini panel with all the options does not pop up.
  5. it just happened 1 min ago and i screen shotted it and came on here to post it. it stops at the travel guy and logger says its travelling to island BUT IT JUST STANDS THERE. the rest of the logger just says executing movement event: Camera Move and mouse move until the account logs out. So from what i can tell the bot thinks its already clicked quick travel but in fact it hasnt or has FAILED TO CLICK but doesnt know it failed so it just stands there thinking its gonna get to the island. And thats 4 hours into the botting session, so it doesnt fail all the time, but im missing a lot of xp overnight because i wake up and its standing
  6. I botted for multiple weeks and it was working perfectly UNTIL FOR THE LAST COUPLE DAYS. I find my account logged out in the morning for the last couple days INFRONT OF THE SANDICRAHB guy (the guy you pay 10k to travel to the island). Just 5 minutes ago, i witnessed it happening, AFTER 11 HOURS OF BOTTING, my guy was standing infront of the travel guy, it had already banked for food and pots and 10k was in my inventory, but it was standing infront of the guy, it wasnt clicking quick travel or anything, i waited about 3 minutes, nothing happened. Im giving you exactly details so you can understand its not something that happens every hour, it happens after many hours and i dont know why. I check the logger, it just said travelling to island or something of that sort i didnt take a screenshot of it, but it wasnt doing anything. This just started recently as i said, i used to bot day and night and my timer on the bot would be 1-3 days before i stopped it for whatever reason, but within the last 3-4 days i havent been able to bot over night because i find it logged out at the same spot. Is it possible for you to rewrite the pathing and or the travel to island part just to change it up a bit im guessing it will fix the problem instantly.
  7. DEE best script. But can you PLEASE add a new feature where the bot STOPS THE SCRIPT after a runescape UPDATE! I got banned after the last 2 RUNESCAPE UPDATES because the bot gets logged out before update, and when it logs back in to continue botting, ITS VERY EASY TO GET BANNED IF YOU CONTINUE TO BOT STRAIGHT AFTER UPDATES. I try not to bot on nights where there will be an update in the morning but they caught me off guard and made runescape updates 2 days in a row, so i botted thinking there wont be an update but there was one in the morning and i got banned. I got other accounts so its ok but AS LONG AS THE BOT DOES NOT CONTINUE STRAIGHT AFTER AN UPDATE, EVERYTHING ELSE IS FINE.#@!#@!#!@#@!#@!3 PLEASE JUST DONT LOG BOT BACK IN AFTER RUNESCAPE UPDATES#!#@@!#@!
  8. maxxxed

    Stealth Quester

    I guess il type it out again. I made a preset for a mage style, it worked EXCLUDING THE SHADOW OF THE STORM FROM THE QUEST LIST. I made a melee preset, IT WORKED again. When i added shadow of the storm, it WOULD NOT RECOGNIZE THE BONE DAGGER P++ OR THE RUNE DAGGER P++. Since my other presets worked fine i obviously didnt do anything wrong, it kept giving me the error with the presetting with the p++ weapons, I TRIED BOTH THE RUNE DAGGER AND THE BONE DAGGER P++. This is just informative feedback. Other than that script finished all of the other quests in under 4 hours for me.
  9. maxxxed

    Stealth Quester

    Script FINISHED ALL 40 QUESTS UNDER 4 HOURS FOR ME#!@#@!#@#@!#@!#@! FEEDBACK = im not 60 attack and so i cant wield a DDS. i manually had to do shadow of the storm because it kept giving me "error, you need to equip a weapon with a p++ in the preset" even though i manually finished shadow of the storm without a poisoned weapon.... But before i finished it myself, i kept trying to start the script with a bone dagger (p++) and a rune dagger (p++) and neither worked as it didnt recognize those weapons as a melee p++ weapon. Im assuming it only recognizes a dds so i thought this would be good feedback.
  10. maxxxed

    Stealth Quester

    WILL IT USE FIREBLAST WITHOUT A STAFF EVEN THOUGH MY PRESET IS SET FOR FIREBLAST WITH A STAFF OF FIRE??? when it gets to the fight at entrana, you cant bring any weapons or items so will the bot know to leave the staff in bank EVEN THOUGH ITS PRESET TO WEAR IT???
  11. maxxxed

    Stealth Quester

    If your cash stack is at the bottom of the bank tab, meaning if you have to scroll to find it, the bot just stops and does nothing. it doesnt scroll down
  12. maxxxed

    Stealth Quester

    thanks so how long is the trial for?
  13. maxxxed

    Stealth Quester

    can i get a trial? and how long does it take to finish all the listed quests from the first till the last quest without stopping script?? APPROXIMATELY obviously..... are we talking 10 hours or 10 days?
  14. when other people run into MY area to reset their OWN crabs, they end up triggering some of MY crabs and then my crabs wonder around while my bot stands still because theyre not attacking me and my bot doesnt attack them. Could you make the bot attack near by crabs even if theyre already triggered AND STILL MOVE BACK TO ITS ORIGINAL YELLOW HIGHLIGHTED AREA right after
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