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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Today jagex released a small update adding more sand crabs to sand crab isle - there are now five 4 crab spawns! I will be pushing an update hopefully this evening updating the information on the Gui, and from what I can see, the positions of these spawns seems to have remained the same/similar, so the script should work okay when the bot is back online! Cheers ~apa
  2. Yep, if you want money, i'd say cannonballs are a good shout!
  3. Perhaps you've configured something incorrectly in the Gui? Check the console logger - it should tell you if you've made any mistakes setting it up! ~apa
  4. Not sure, I pushed the update yesterday, and as I mentioned it usually takes about 6 hours for the devs to check and process the update request, so chances are it is up and running. To check, try running the script. If it says version 2.0 on the Gui / paint, then yes, it is up to date cheers apa
  5. That's amazing!! Thanks for sharing ~apa
  6. Alright, I think the script is ready to go (: I've just pushed Version 2.0 with the following changes: Reworked for zeah remap. All positions, paths and reset routes have been remapped. Added support for Crab Claw Isle, including travel Added clue scroll looting Adjusted Gui to be more intuitive to use and made it easier to configure your inventory Added option to bank when out of potions Modified roaming to handle new areas. There is no roaming on Crab Claw Isle however Also added / changed a bunch of other things which I can't remember... but i'm sure you will notice them. As this update is huge, it is very likely that a few bugs may still remain which I missed during the testing phase. If you come across anything that you think shouldn't happen, or if the script gets stuck in a certain situation, please let me know in as much detail as possible! It should be live when the devs verify it - this normally takes a maximum of 6 hours. Thanks, and happy botting! ~apaec
  7. Ok, another quick progress report. I'm in the process of testing each location, so far everything is working well Clue scroll looting has been implemented and tested, and there have been a host of improvements made to both the structure of the code and the way the gui functions. It's now much more intuitive to configure your inventory setup, as you don't have to do any maths (it will never let you go over 28 slots, and it will let you use exactly all 28 slots!). Here's a 21 minute test report of camping on Crab Claw Isle: ... for accounts without food, crab claw isle is amazing as you barely have to bank. Combat potions are amazing to train with as well due to their cheap price and compact nature. Use them! Here's a pic of the updated gui: I will be doing further testing while updating the main thread and videos so please hang tight, the script should be with you shortly!: ) apa
  8. Hey, The script is still in the process of being updated after the zeah remap yesterday. Most things will most likely be completely broken on the current version because of that. I should have the updated version out by this afternoon GMT Cheers apa
  9. Thanks guys! Just thought i'd post a final progress log before I head to bed: I've now tested East and West for both camping and roaming, and everything seems in order. I've also added full support for crab claw island (however there will be no roam mode on cci as it would be too easy for the bot to go off course). All eight camp locations function and reset correctly, and the travelling setup has been implemented to take you there and back when you're out of food or potions etc. Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to fully test the script as alot of stability tests still need to run, and there are also a bunch of features I have yet to implement, namely clue looting and the ability to toggle whether to bank or not when you run out of potions. banking now works with the 10k fee, so that part is sorted. As a result I won't be able to push the update today, simply because it's not yet stable and hence it might mess up and act suspicious. I wish this wasn't the case, but i've spent pretty much all day working on fixes and the script is just not quite there. However I think I can now comfortably say that the script will be available tomorrow afternoon, in a very stable and juicy condition (: - well worth the wait imo! I hope you guys can understand this, I really did try my best to get the fix out ASAP, it's just such a huge job. Here's a screenshot of camp mode in action on Crab Claw Isle in spot 2: (apologies about the blurring, i'm paranoid about these things!!) Take care! ~apa
  10. You can just about reset each position by running to the opposite end of the island, just ran a few tests now
  11. ... A few hours of progress later ...: Aight, i've got East and West areas working as before That means full roam + camp capabilities, each with custom pathing. I've decided to omit the far eastern area, as there are no spawns above doubles, and the bank is quite far away (vinery bank). I'm now working on crab-claw island, and have just finished mapping it. Here is my progress map thus far: (the table on the right shows the numbered spot, it's in-game co-ordinates and the number of sand crabs around that position) I'm now working on integrating reset routes and hopping positions and such to these spots. After this I will work on the transport system, the 10k banking etc. Shouldn't take too long, I think i'll be done by this evening Cheers for sticking around, I really am doing my best to get this available to you guys as soon as possible, I just hope you guys understand how big this rework is! Will post some more progress soon, Apa
  12. Just thought i'd post a few status updates so you guys can keep track of where i'm at with fixing the script. I've had to scrap all the previous data (areas, positions, paths etc), as ofcourse the map has changed. However there are a few other things which I plan to add. Firstly, As well as the east and west areas, there's now a super far east area with a couple of good spawns, but it's reallly far away from the bank. I will be adding support for this but it's mainly for accounts which don't need food. Secondly, I will be adding support for crab-claw isle, but I may not be able to release this today as getting the travelling and such fully tested will require a good amount of effort. We will see how things go, i'd like to get it all done today but no promises. Here's what i've done so far: the Western area has been finished with roam & camp modes implemented. Here's a map which I use to keep track of my progress Next, I will be making the eastern area flawless, then eventually the far east area. After that, I will start work on additional features eg crab-claw isle and clue scroll looting(which I plan to add too). At this rate, i'd guess that the script should be up to date by the end of the day:) Cheers for stopping by apa
  13. Yep, it will have I'm working on a fix as we speak, however I cannot provide an ETA as of yet, as i'm still not sure how much data I need to gather. Hopefully today though ~apa
  14. Not sure... that seems odd, does the script log anything to the console?
  15. Woo woa! that's awesome, 25hours!! Thanks for sharing:) ~apa
  16. Apaec


    When I say make from scratch, I really mean that - I plan to design a PCB and get it printed, program the thing, (I would probably buy a radio module or something though, however for a start I might try it with IR... this would work okay for a short range and would mean I could do initial testing with a TV remote Idk when I will start the project though, if I do, i will probably make a post about it cheers:)
  17. Apaec


    Neither really ,just want to make one to fly around from scratch, getting something to take off would be a dream x)
  18. Apaec


    I've really wanted to build my own drone, as much from scratch as I could but i'm just waiting to get the time and funds to do it
  19. Hey Just a heads up, this script doesn't support the Blast Furnace, but i've gone ahead and given you a 24h trial so you can explore what it does do cheers apa
  20. I don't think this is possible yet, but i'm looking into implementing CLI support fully into all my scripts soon. Right now you can boot the bot and run the script, but you still have to configure it manually. Sorry about that! Cheers for stopping by apa
  21. Unsure, perhaps paypal is down? If you're really struggling, you can always purchase with RSGP. It seems you've not already had a trial, so if you want I can always auth you for 24h until the payment system sorts itself out. Cheers:) apa I know the struggle all too well haha! Cheers for the kind words
  22. Not sure - as soon as the logout screen is showing, the script loses control of the bot and the autologin process takes over. Perhaps you've configured something in the settings to stop the script logging back in, or maybe you've not entered your account details in on startup? Other than that I can't think why it would not log back in. Maybe it's a mirror thing ~apa
  23. Unfortunately only the cooking process (cooking on range/fire). I plan to do a re-write at some point in the nearishmaybe future though, and might introduce this as a feature! cheers apa
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