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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. This is really cool, how did you go about doing this? Did you work with images and apply filters such as cutout, or did you draw the masks from scratch? I'm not very graphics-proficient but this is really nice (: -Apa
  2. Haha I love how the video has been disliked to death presumably by rot xD
  3. Posted elsewhere but also relevant here: OSRS was updated only a few hours ago. Expect things to be broken; The developers are aware and will be working on a fix. Nothing else can be done until then - sit tight! Cheers -Apa
  4. OSRS was updated only a few hours ago. Expect things to be broken; The developers are aware and will be working on a fix. Nothing else can be done until then - sit tight! Cheers -Apa
  5. Yeah the guide is pretty outdated; I should really re-write it, I just haven't found the time recently. Thanks for reminding me!
  6. Also it is worth noting that you can download local scripts and 'decompile' them. A jar file is essentially compiled java code (java byte-code), and 'decompiling' a jar file will attempt to revert this byte-code to the initial source code. Since compiling is not a perfectly reversible process, some decompilers do provide minor inaccuracies to the initial source code, such as wrapping objects in one-item object arrays and such, but the jist of the code should be evident. Java decompilers can be found online, you should be able to find a free online one with no problems. Decompilers running JDCore or similar are a good bet. Things to note: A lot of the local scripts are poorly written. Careful what you learn from! As I mentioned above, the source code might not match the original, but it will be close. Don't use that 'task/node' framework that people say you should use unless you have a good reason to..! I only say this because the local script section is full of these kinds of structures and they bring nothing new to the table above simple if/else statements in your onLoop. Let me know if you have any questions! -Apa
  7. 'Ban rates' is a very misleading term. I say misleading because some users manage 2-day straight botting sessions, while others are banned within just a few hours. It's very unpredictable. To reduce your chances of being banned (not removing the chances!) be sure to have a read of this thread: Jagex have seriously stepped up their game detecting bots (ofcourse depending on when you last botted), so you've got to be extremely careful. For example, when botting I usually bot for 20 minute sessions with generous breaks, totalling no more than 2 hours (absolute maximum) botting time per day. This way i've managed to get 90/90/90 stats over the course of a couple of months. Patience is key! Cheers -Apa
  8. Started out here, found a reputable scripter and annoyed them alot with questions!
  9. Okay, After checking it seems you didn't reach the usage threshold to warrant no further trials, so i've gone ahead and enabled another 12 hours to your account. Enjoy! (: -Apa
  10. Sure, but of which script? (: It seems you've already had a trial of the SandCrabs script but any other is available! -Apa
  11. You know you're in safe hands when public void antiBanMode() throws InterruptedException { camera.movePitch(random(0, getState() == BotState.PICKING_CABAGE ? 360 : 0)); sleep(random(500, 900)); camera.moveYaw(random(0, getState() == BotState.PICKING_CABAGE ? 360 : 0)); sleep(random(500, 900)); int randomTabs = random(0, 125); if (getState() == BotState.PICKING_CABAGE) { switch (randomTabs) { case 0: getTabs().open(Tab.EMOTES); break; case 1: getTabs().open(Tab.ATTACK); break; case 2: getTabs().open(Tab.FRIENDS); break; case 3: getTabs().open(Tab.CLANCHAT); break; case 4: getTabs().open(Tab.EQUIPMENT); break; case 5: getTabs().open(Tab.IGNORES); break; case 6: getTabs().open(Tab.INVENTORY); break; case 7: getTabs().open(Tab.LOGOUT); break; case 8: getTabs().open(Tab.PRAYER); break; case 9: getTabs().open(Tab.SKILLS); break; case 10: getTabs().open(Tab.MAGIC); break; } return; } }
  12. This may or may not work, it's pretty tough for me to test since I do not get Ads, but try enabling/disabling human input and interacting with the 'X'?
  13. Are you sure that's the cursor? It looks suspiciously like the 'X' button for Ads which non-paying members are subject to!
  14. I didn't realise there was a default mouse crosshair
  15. Uhh, perhaps. It would be a little tough to implement since it is never guarenteed that fish are available. Since salmon and trout are so cheap however, you may as well buy them yourself! If enough people show interest, this is certainly something I can add, but it's deviating from the theme of the script somewhat! Cheers -Apa
  16. I am not using webwalking, But as i've mentioned before, despite the path being the same, factors like latency, camera orientation, mouse position etc will impact which exact tiles are clicked on when interacting with the minimap. As a result, the tiles clicked on are going to be pretty scattered. I can assure you that how a bot walks along a particular path isn't going to solely get you banned! -Apa
  17. He could, although users could try and fake this news to exploit getting trials so he should be cautious doing so !
  18. The scripter can't do anything since the store is handled by OSBot.
  19. Hmm, have you tried enabling/disabling human input? I know everyone is saying buy VIP, but there should be another solution to this haha... Let me know -Apa
  20. Hey, Cheers for the suggestion, I do want to but I feel like adding all these extras would warrant a slightly higher price tag since the methods are so profitable! I would also not like to take custom away from other scripters whom have written specific scripts for this stuff. That being said, I do have plans in the future to add other methods of cooking, but it appears to be a question of adding one then having adding to add them all so I am quite wary about this! -Apa
  21. I don't have an account with a high enough construction. Besides, if you do, then I wouldn't suggest botting on it lol
  22. Yea, Crab Claw Island is supported! (:
  23. Apaec


    That's the thing about free scripts; you never hear about how useful it has been and never get a thank you. You only get replies in your inbox when something isn't working.
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