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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Apaec

    APA Rune Sudoku

    I'm not entirely sure on the prices, I do not currently have access to an account which can solve Rune Sudoku. I've been working on training a new one up though!
  2. Based on your reply, i'd assume the system update - does that seem fair? I'm not home at the moment so can't run a test right now, but please open the console logger and double check that it is not a configuration error -Apa
  3. The link is this picture: http://ramyun.co.uk/agility/plaxonn.png
  4. See below! I've mostly got the changes in place, I just have to test it out!
  5. I'm happy to help - i'm not sure what your problem is though. Have you got the script running yet? If not, to run the script, launch OSBot with java, sign in, then click 'add a bot' at the top left. Enter your account details and proceed - this should launch an instance of the bot. Then, you can run the script by logging in and pressing the green play button at the top. Select the script from the list and start it, fill in the UI and you are good to go! If you're still having issues, let me know:) Apa To qualify for a trial, your OSBot account must be over a week old (this is OSBot policy). As a result, I cannot offer you a trial just yet. Sorry about this! please come back in 6 days or so! -Apa
  6. Smither trial started! And sure -> Good going!
  7. I'd like to add it, but then it would be an AIO agility script and not a Rooftops script, so would warrant an increase in price!
  8. Hmm, thanks for this. It may well be the use of magic but I will give it a test hopefully later today. -Apa Are you using mirror mode? If so, don't! (see the section 'things to consider before buying/trying' on the main thread) -Apa Certainly, done!
  9. Gosh, that's very odd. I will run some tests - please could you perhaps send me a screenshot of your GUI configuration? -Apa Sure, done I ran some experiments, it seems that you cannot increase the rate of worldhopping beyond the allowed threshold - If you add delays between hops, this doesn't increase the rate, it only spreads the delay and you eventually run into the same problem. I wouldn't consider this a 'bug' as such, I would consider it a limitation with the RS servers and as such there's not much I can do. I would however like to add multiple spot support (which might alleviate this effect), although this is a big change and I haven't found the time to implement it just yet. If you'd like a trial, just let me know The best way to get a feel for the script is to give it a go! -Apa
  10. Odd, ok. Did you happen to see if anything was logged in the console? And was the script terminated at the time of your death? Apa
  11. There's no hard and fast limit, naturally the less time you spend botting, the less likely you will be banned. You might find this thread useful: Personally, I avoid botting over an hour a day - i'd rather make slower progress than lose the account altogether. It's up to you to determine what works for you! Apa
  12. That's odd - this is the first report that i've heard of this and i've got many failsafes in place to prevent against this. Are you sure you configured the script to bank? If it walked to a safe position, it was likely thinking it was not configured with food and thus trying to log out safely before dying. Nonetheless, I will investigate and determine whether this could have been caused by a recent game change:) Apa
  13. Not at the moment. Sorry!
  14. Sure, done! Thanks! Maybe Apa
  15. Hmm that's odd, perhaps try zooming the screen out a little? This might help! Apa
  16. Ah - looks like the trial request for agility got rejected as you've already had a trial with the expiry timestamp 2018-03-17 11:01:58 UTC Unfortunately as i'm sure you can understand I can't offer multiple trials to the same user - sorry about this Looks like your miner trial is running though! Apa
  17. To qualify for a trial, your OSBot account must be over a week old (this is OSBot policy). As a result, I cannot offer you a trial just yet. Sorry about that ! Here's my trials thread with more info: https://osbot.org/forum/topic/61445-apa-scripting-emporium/ Apa
  18. Sure- both trials activated:)
  19. Thanks for your custom, hopefully they work out to be worth the investment The scripts should be able to pay for themselves in profits after a day or so. Apa
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