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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. Not sure what you mean by this, please could you elaborate?
  2. The map to the left side of the UI features a number of radio buttons - these are positioned over the corresponding spawns on the map. You can select these to switch which location you train at:
  3. Apaec

    APA AIO Miner

    Are you sure you read the setup guide? Setup Guide: Add the script to your collection via the SDN Start up OSBot (or refresh your scripts list), then run the script After the GUI (startup interface) shows up, enable human input by cycling the input button next to the pause/stop buttons Select the rocks that you wish to mine via the game screen: Make sure that the rock is not mined when you select it. Make sure the rock tile is outlined on-screen and the rock data appears on the GUI. You can remove rocks either by deselecting them in-game, or by manually removing them from the GUI. Currently selected rocks are highlighted in cyan. Disable human input once you have selected your desired rocks (Settings>[check] disable input) Configure the settings tab to your liking If banking, be sure to select the closest bank to your mining location. Note that the banking code relies on the OSBot web-walking system, which can sometimes take a few seconds to calculate a route. Start the script with the button at the bottom of the GUI Relax
  4. Both trials activated - cheers! To qualify for a trial, your OSBot account must be over a week old (this is OSBot policy). As a result, I cannot offer you a trial just yet. Sorry about that!
  5. Unfortunately I can't really stop the script misclicking, that is inevitable (albeit rare). I have been working on an error correction system in the background however, this will hopefully solve this issue in the future. I'm not sure when it will be ready for release, but hopefully soon Apa
  6. No benefit, other than organisation. Same reasoning with the common 'State' pattern. -Apa
  7. I previously had it do this, but it led to continuous camera turning which is not ideal. I concluded that how it is now is the better option Best Apa
  8. Hi there folks! Just spent a couple of hours revamping the content of this guide. I did not change the download guide (I plan to update this in the near future). I only updated the interesting stuff Take a look, best of luck! Apa
  9. Sure thing, done! No worries, cancelled rock crabs and started you with a fresh sand crabs trial. GL!
  10. Done & Done. Enjoy!: ) -Apa
  11. Thanks for your custom! In answer to your question, yes - it does!
  12. Yes and yes -Apa Hey, To qualify for a trial, your OSBot account must be over a week old (this is OSBot policy). As a result, I cannot offer you a trial just yet. Sorry about that! Apa
  13. All trials activated, enjoy folks! -Apa
  14. Odd! thanks for letting me know. Glad it's sorted now Probably quests weren't re-cached on OSBot's part following completion. Not sure though!
  15. Hmm, that is interesting. Could well be the ironman thing ! I will run some tests now and see if I can narrow down the issue. Thanks for letting me know. (Also, it might be a long shot, but could you try starting the script with the quests tab open?) Apa EDIT: Just ran a test. The script successfully does canifis rooftops on both an ironman and a non-ironman, so that's likely not the problem. What I will do is hotfix this hopefully today by adding an additional area check, so it's not just scanning the quest data (since this seems to be inconsistent?)
  16. Hey, Unfortunately I cannot offer trials to OSBot accounts under a week old - this is an OSBot rule.Sorry about this Apa
  17. That's pretty odd - The script checks whether or not you've completed the quest based on a quests API call. It could be that for whatever reason this isn't working? When implementing this a few weeks ago, I definitely tested the script on both an account with and without the quest completed. Are you starting the script at canifis? -Apa
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