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  1. Looking to try script if possible
  2. Would I be able to get a trial? Thank you!
  3. Is it possible to have a trial test?
  4. Chrome because I bought a Chromebook and I like having all my bookmarks across the board
  5. Well I'm glad this is atleast in the right section
  6. Nice, what are the requirements again? Also your probably going to be getting a lot of emote set sales
  7. Haha yeah just submit now then when someone gets that 1/95 chance clue they can be annoyed
  8. Well my point was just that someone with infractions like that doesn't really have the room to complain about the quality of the people in chatroom
  9. Haven't you yourself been banned from the chatbox temporarily?
  10. If you want to go down that road lets see some screenshots of people using bad language at others with no repercussions, I'm sure there are lots of people cussing on there but I'm not sure it matters if it's not meant to offend. Both of yours were directed at other people
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