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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Read first post pls, ty.
  2. What OSBot version and which course?
  3. Karma. You cry over losing an account when you're clearly breaking RS rules (which is bound to happen) and then you go out of your way to report others? Come on man. Looking into the bugs.
  4. Mirror slows it, .71 makes it even slower...
  5. fix: Stop use mirror and version .71
  6. Hit the refresh button.
  7. Ya I can't change client interactions ... so If you like .70 better go use that I have no idea why it stops for so long after failing to interact.
  8. Tested all rooftops yesterday up to polly worked flawless for 1 hours almost reaching on the max exp/h possible... Stop using .71 ... too much delays -_- Use .70 is you want faster interactions but a more glitchy mouse ^^ Khaleesi
  9. Proud Doing more then 10 clicks myself is too much legit for me ... Rather click 3 times on my script
  10. Ya it happends once in a while, hard to detect portals and the brawlers. They don't have collision flags like other objects...
  11. You are right, They are almost the same as other configs in runescape ... I've debugged a lot of these myself... basicly everything in runescape works this way. You only need to know how to work with them ... Farming has a shitload of settings though the devs who made it their brain must have hurt xD Khaleesi
  12. Sure, next time post in right topic ;) (See signature) Have fun
  13. I'll take a look at this. I ran yesterday for 12 hours without having any troubles telegrabbing. + Use the proper template I provided to report a bug, the info you gave me is baiscly useless... Khaleesi Quit lying, you were caught (the day after you posted this) reporting another user of mine for using Khal Ogres in-game. (just looked up your account, not banned) Proof you f'd over another user of mine. Fortunately one report doesn't do much so he's not banned. Don't be such a hypocrite next time.
  14. No not yet, will do later today
  15. You didn't even read how to start mirror client ... If you took half the time you needed to create this topic and read the forum, you managed to understand why See here: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/69385-osbot-mirror-client-video-guide/
  16. They are supposed to work, except some known issues and extra delays/missclicks but should just run fine after all. Khaleesi
  17. Be careful botting 24/7. If prices get f'd in the butt expect a mass ban :<
  18. Love the skin Thx for update! EDIT: Interactions are better now, no more mouse jerking. Even though after clicking an entity it waits for 2-3 sec before continueing ... Any idea what could cause this? Kind regards Khaleesi
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