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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Well you are not even running the script so this makes no sense to me. but as far as I understand that shouldn't be any issue at all I'll try myself for a while now I need the folowing: - Script status when it's stuck? - What tabs are you making? - What butler are you using? - Do you have a "pull-bell" in your house? - Error message in console when it happends? Kind regards Khaleesi
  2. Can you explain your issue some more? maybe a screenshot is possible? I have a hard time trying to figure out what you meant. Khaleesi
  3. Script updated to V0.11: - Reworked GUI (check below) - Added an awesome paint - Added tar making - Improved some interactions GUI: Small harralander tar proggy: If you have any issue, let me know please. Update should be live soon! Khaleesi
  4. As far as I know there is nobody who can help you if you don't what the issue is So what are your problems? Khaleesi
  5. Thx for that! When does this actually happen? The error shown is a major client issue Are you sure you are running the latest osbot client? Are you using mirror client? khaleesi
  6. Decent antiban, and ya saw a few pll ^^
  7. advanced tab the select Fire runes thats the RoD duelling ^^
  8. oh ok that explains will chceck it out!
  9. I don't even see what's the issue on this GIF ... its trying to walk closer before interacting with it?
  10. Its has way more advanced antiban then random movements lol ... xD
  11. it's the actual profit profit - resources. Only the foreman payments aren't calculated in.
  12. Just the pouches if you are using them
  13. Settings in right top cornner, then click "show console"
  14. Put all the items needed in 1 specific tab (Runes, glorys, essence, potions, ...) Thats way it banks a lot fster instead of searching for items ^^
  15. thats very weird, do you happen to get any errors in the console?
  16. Well you need to have acces to neitiznot ... Not sure which quets that is ^^
  17. So the butler is wandering around in the house? but it just idles right? What bell pull do you have?
  18. Updated script to V0.29: - Fixed minor walking issue - Reworked GUI a bit - Added a choce for the logout timer. Kind regards Khaleesi
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