Well you are not even running the script so this makes no sense to me.
but as far as I understand that shouldn't be any issue at all
I'll try myself for a while now
I need the folowing:
- Script status when it's stuck?
- What tabs are you making?
- What butler are you using?
- Do you have a "pull-bell" in your house?
- Error message in console when it happends?
Kind regards
Script updated to V0.11:
- Reworked GUI (check below)
- Added an awesome paint
- Added tar making
- Improved some interactions
Small harralander tar proggy:
If you have any issue, let me know please.
Update should be live soon!
Thx for that!
When does this actually happen? The error shown is a major client issue
Are you sure you are running the latest osbot client?
Are you using mirror client?