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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Inside the game settings settings-> Advanced options -> always hid roofs (its a button with a roof picture) OR Type in chat ::toggleroof Khaleesi
  2. Yap, happends when you don't cache data ... Loading the same thing over and over can cause huge cpu usage without any reason ^^
  3. You should disable the rooftops in the client ... Ofcourse it's hovering the door, can you click things yourself through the roof?
  4. Check the forum, there is a refund section.... Why don't you render the house with open doors then? Just change it in the game options ^^ Kind regards Khaleesi
  5. it's not a bug.. Those lines are from something totally different Get me a printscreen of the location and the script status ^^
  6. Make a refund request and Mald will decide. Sorry for your loss ...
  7. Ya when rsbuddy goes down, the pricecheking is ruined but hey, it's just a number in the paint ^^
  8. I'm pretty sure that average indeed If you will use mirror mode it can go 4 times as much ... You can always disbale rendeing or use low cpu mode in the settings ^^ Khaleesi
  9. Restarting the client always helps Sometimes the thread die and the client gets stuck in it
  10. what memory leak? I don't see any
  11. ya I see, very strange ... did you get the error every time this happens? great to hear
  12. Shaving around a snake is way more dagnerous then shaving around a cave right? Once you cut the snake, there is no way of going back :rip:
  13. In the first post is a link to someone who sells this script for rsgp Khaleesi
  14. You already dead by prev people xD let me poke you?
  15. Not possible, botting is always in fixed screen mode
  16. Would be awesome! i'm running it too now. Some other guy has same issue and the error was a weird client error, i reported that to the devs to see whats up with that Khaleesi
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