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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Nexus farmer updated to V1.10: - Fixed Caching patch state of wring region at falador => taverly - Fixed Caching cured plants change - Fixed supplytracker to track correct amount of steps - Fixed chronicle teleport Live soon! Enjoy!
  2. Khal Scurrius update to V1.06: - Added better eating logic - Added hitpoints regen before next boss spawn - Added auto wepeon upgrade (Upgrades to bone weapon at spine drop, required all items in the bank) - Improved dodging bricks for melee combat mode Live soon! Enjoy!
  3. You only need to patch if you want to use osbot with a jagex account As a jagex acc requires you to launch through the jagex launcher OR you can use the osbot manager
  4. That's pretty sick man! congratz
  5. No trials on this script :/
  6. good question, will check it out! Any logs in the osbot logger?
  7. Khal Scurrius updatde to V1.03: - Added better special handling - Added Divine potions as boost potions - Added Leveling order (Melee only) - Fixed GUI bug when loading files Live soon! Enjoy
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