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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Ya that was my next idea ;) Will take a look at it
  2. I can't guarantuee that looting will work on ironmen, isn't specifically made for them. Multi mode is disabled atm. Script updated to V0.13: - Fixed looting stackables
  3. My bad, thx for reporting this. Script updated to V0.39: - Fixed item dropping Will be online in a few hours.
  4. And you get the "20 min no exp" text in the logger right?
  5. Sure I activated it again. No not yet What do you mean? Hard to tell lately
  6. Sure, where do you bank when doing it? All trials activated!
  7. Where is your account located when you log back in? at the banking chest?
  8. Enjoy Can you tell me what didn't get banked exactly?
  9. Script updated to V0.38: - Updated dialogue Should be online in a few hours.
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