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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Do you have your account added to osbot client and did you select that account when adding a bot?
  2. Sorry must have missed that Script updated to V0.14: - Tweaked the looting part of the equipment Should be online in a few hours, let me know if you still have issues with this in V0.14 Khaleesi
  3. Sorry for my late repsonse, must have missed some posts Enjoy the trials!
  4. Just disable "Aid" in the gamesettings so others can't do that with you?
  5. Thank you, Enjoy the trial
  6. Not really, I'll take a look at it! EDIT: Worked fine for me, can you restart the client and try again?
  7. Will be taking a look at it
  8. Script udpated to V1.09: - Fixed spammclicking fill bucket - Fixed closing dispenser before refilling coffer - Reworked and reorganized some code, should solve the idle and break issue. Should be online in a few hours! (Version is visible in the GUI or the scripts paint.) Let me know how it works.
  9. ya I'm reworking a part of it to get rid of this. Thx for those reports, Will ahve an update about them Asap.
  10. The thing about it is that the client doesn't recognizes it as being "visible". Either you can rotate the camera a bit or walk closer to the object ... and sometimes when it's visible the client is not able to interact with it bcs it's nto enough visible ... -_- What sucks about it? Isn't refilling them in nardah not good? I guess I can add an option for that.
  11. It already has that? All trials activated
  12. Thx for the report, I will have a look at this issue.
  13. What are you talking about? I've just ran it for 6 hours straight without any issue. How is that bad quality?
  14. Make sure to enable "Render doors open", even when using someones house Oh I see! I'll make it select the right lectern in the GUI ;)
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