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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Doesn't it tell you to enable fixed screne mode and restart the client?
  2. Enable shift click in your client
  3. Script updated to V1.71: - Tweaked interaction method some more - Smoother interaction with obstacles - Should rarely double click an obstacle - More randomized walking in Seers EDIT: Extra to V1.71: - New UI Should be online in a few hours Khaleesi
  4. Are you one of those people who look always look up a guide before doing anything in a game? God I hate them ? Will take a look at it soon, need to get myself lunar diplmomacy to test it again Give ma a few days to get it updated to your needs
  5. Will take a look at double clicking and also to make the path a bit more random Oh sorry misunderstood! Will have this fixed today EDIT: Script updated to V1.66: - Fixed Seers' teleport Will be looking into the other issues this evening when I have a bit more time. Should be online in a few hours Khaleesi
  6. Will take a look at the readius stuff of the knight and also the spinner priority! Enjoy the trial Yes check the vouchers section on this forum
  7. Can you add me on skype or discord? Skype: Khaleesi.bot Discord: (Click my signature)
  8. Script updated to V1.23: - Fixed dragon axe special attack Should be online in a few hours Khaleesi
  9. no ther eis no fix for it currently You have to set screen to fixed on every acc then restart client Nope ... Was it in fixed screen mode? Can you please take screenshots instaed of posting where it gets "stuck" ... it's pretty useless to me Was always broken or atleast it broke every few weeks so I removed it ... Can test again, but probably have to remove it again after an update -_- Anyways, will test it and see if I can add it again for now
  10. Seers teleport is the same as camelot? You need the achievement to swap camelot to seers? Must be something with mirror I guess, ran from 71-73 agility and didn't happen once to me and I saw it fall a lot of times... But there is 100% sure no logout code added to this script
  11. Demon butler or normal? You got the correct runes? Get me a gif? EDIT: I tried both butlers and they both unnoted the clay for me EDIT2: Found the issue! Script udpated to V1.32: - Fixed Unnoting items from butler Should be online in a few hours khaleesi
  12. I acutally haven't see you make 1 proper bug report about this... How do i have to know Where it gets stuck if you only tell me: "Gets stuck after mining". Maybe post an image and the status of the script? I've been running it for an hour now and it didn't get stuck once after mining somewhere... Banns actually have nothing to do with this script, I've forgot to stop my acc from botting this script prev week and it ran for 28 hours straight, I'm still using this acocunt as it didn't get banned. If you are getting tons of banns I suggets you to look for osme info on this forum So please get me some images when it gets stuck, also show the Logger of the client. Since it will post errors or whatever in there. I don't have an account acces ot top floor so i'm not sure what the issue is here. Can you add me on skype: Khaleesi.bot EDIT: I just watched it bank gems a few times, does this happen on all gems or just always the same gem? DO you have a pickaxe equipped or in your inventory? No need to tell stuff like that, I ahve over 100 people runing it and 3-4 people are complaining, wihich is usually not even my or the scripts fault... People tend to only post crap nowadays instead of actually giving proper feedback. 97 people have fun using the script, don't post anything, 3 people are having issues => tell everyone it's shit Gotta love the internet nowadays...
  13. Weird, will check the code for depositing gems Show me the script status and the logger so I can't actually see what it's doing
  14. So you are out of stamina potions, then don't use them? You need the right runes to repair your pouch, if your bank doesn't contain them, it logs out (and have lunars enabled for NPC contact) Whenever it logs out it will always post a reason Remeber it's in beta so it still needs some tweaks at certain points. Lemme know if you encounter some weird stuff and send me some printscreens, easier to tell what's going on
  15. Well if you know a good way to detect some random name or text that maybe is a hosts name in the chat let me know
  16. This is intended since you make runes needed to teleport at the altar Does it do this every time for you? What altar?
  17. Good suggestion, will take a look at it
  18. No it doers not buy them, but there is a mode to smel them
  19. Will take a look at this issue
  20. Script updated to V1.31: - Updated butler inetraction and chat handler - Fixed rimmington portal stuck Should be online in a few hours Khaleesi
  21. Script udpated toV2.36: - Fixed Ouriana Altar teleport Upcoming updates: - Blood and Soul runecrafting Let me know if this still happends in V2.36 Should be online in a few hours!
  22. Script updated to V1.65: - Updated interaction method to use a lot less minimap walking - Make sure the screen is zoomed out quiet a bit for easier interacting - Seers teleport has been updated Upcoming updates: - Alching support Should be online in a few hours! Kind regards Khaleesi What course is this? You sure the break manager isn't logging you out?
  23. Script updated to V1.12: - Fixed telegrabbing Xp per hour is is the stats tab, click the stats icon Well I can only check if the cannon is full or empty, nothing in between actually ...
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