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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. You can enable esc button in game so it uses hotkeys instead of the close button will take a look at the banking pause!
  2. Sad to see a good friend leave! Will talk to you soon
  3. Sure activated it! Enjoy
  4. Updated the script to run more smooth on certain cases, Should be better. What would you guys think of GE support to this script?
  5. it's because a dragon axe can also be loot Just use a rune axe, doesn't really affect the speed of chopping
  6. Script updated to V1.03: -Fixed clicking on stats and inventory. Will be online in a few hours! khaleesi
  7. Will do asap, will like your post when done ^^
  8. Ya will Add that soon What method are you running? what are you trying to smelt? Will take a look at all this
  9. Must have missed your post What a shitty attitude you have here, must be hard to live with Not gonna give you any trials at this point.
  10. Just bot a few hours a day with breaks in between so it looks human like
  11. You mean it has unnoted clay already ? Do you have the correct runes?
  12. It's not really a problem in the first place. It's just a feature that has to be added.
  13. Could you try to get a gif for me?
  14. Can always add ... is it really that usefull ? 569
  15. Don’t know anyone human that does agility for 3 hours without losing focus, try to take breaks in between, Should solve your issue ^^
  16. Try to zoom out the camera completely
  17. Some people bot it 24/7 for 4 days and dont get banned, others run it 2 hours and get banned, it has to do a lot by luck lowering runtimes does help though ^^
  18. Ok... Bro I'm just messing with you, I already got that added today! Should be online in a few hours ? gotta love making scripts
  19. Ya something in yesterdays update changed a few things... will take another right now! Will keep you updated!
  20. I hate dealing with customers with this kind of an attitude... doesnt listen for 2 days when trying to explain something and then Get cocky when you realise you Made a mistake good thing most people are actually kind and helpfull at this forum I will add something later this week for this so your life will be a little bit better and you can fail your math to take breaks on the right moment ?
  21. Will give you a new one this evening Good to hear
  22. Since when do you get this?
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