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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Taking a look at this now Enjoy the trial
  2. It's on my todo list Enjoy
  3. Uhm pin is done by the client
  4. Enjoy the trial Script updated to V1.23: - Small changes in interaction - Now able to drop gems - Small GUI changes - Script will auto uses tunnel shortcut if you got the fally diary completed. Should be online in a few hours Enjoy!
  5. Enjoy the trial, it's 24h long ^^
  6. That's a good question my friend, if you ar enot abel to tell me I will never know why ... Never heard this before either, so what settings are you running and what mode? what food?
  7. Could you take a printscreen when it does this?
  8. Enjoy YA jagex removed the funciton to check how many balls are in the cannon I'll add the function to refill between 20-55 seconds Well I can make it pick it up but placing it down is another story
  9. Sure enjoy! Looking into it right now! Thx for the report
  10. Should be no problem All enjoy your trials!
  11. Enjoy the trial Will take a look at number 2.. If youw ant me to rotate camera before interacting, you can expect atleast 20-30% less exp bcs the timewaste. EVen when I play legit in mlm I click trough walls bcs i'm too lazy to rotate my camera often, this has no effect at bann rates... ^ looking at the bank issue Why not enable "escape" to close the bank? Sometimes the webwalker auto closes all interfaces open before walking, not even sure if I can change that... but like I said, just enable escape to close the interfaces? Will take a look for some extra options for those camera rotations and drop gems Thx for all the feedback! That's what makes a script better after all
  12. You mean more afk after chopping a tree right? Enjoy all trials!
  13. Going to take a look at this, is it even worht doing without fairy rings? Enjoy all trials
  14. People only tend to flame and post bug reports nowadays ... enjoy Taking a look at this No sorry looking into it Enjoy all the trials Rewokring the whole pouches part, since jagex removed the function to check how many essence are inside hte pouches it's more a bit of a guess and hoping for no misslcicks
  15. Will chekc out the pyramid! Enjoy your trial
  16. Well I ask you to place the cannon before starting the script because I can't let a script decide where to put a cannon So that's not someting I would like to add... why would you want to hop worlds if you are using a cannon anyway?
  17. Will see if I can make that npc a bit slower for all of you then
  18. Is a client interaction issue, you still have this atm or has it been fixed? You using resizebale screen mode or fixed? Enjoy all the trials! That's very unfortunate
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