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$250.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. https://osbot.org/forum/forum/227-vouchers/
  2. Can always add, what would you like to see added?
  3. If you click a bit further does it continue just fine?
  4. Where did you get a walking issue? What altar ? tiara or talisman?
  5. Gettting my agility up so i can test it There is a link on my first post where you can buy vouchers with osrs gp
  6. Is it usefull? isn't there better ways?
  7. Enjoy the trial It's a client issue atm ... devs are aware of it. EDIT: Script updated to V1.20: Made a small work around to fix the banking until the devs fix the issue. Will be online in a few hours!
  8. I said I will take a look at it ... I don't think you are in the position to command me to do anything right? ?
  9. Just enable shift drop it he client? Should do the trick Thx man! No sorry
  10. You probably have the wrong setup ... Script works perfectly without any issue atm Feel free to explain your issues so I can tell you what you are doing wrong Refunds are only given when there is actually somehting broken which isn't the case here.
  11. Script udpated to V1.40: - Hopefully the last update needed to get attacking portal mode working Will be online in a few hours! Keep me up to date! Version of the script can eb found in the GUI title or in the paint
  12. Make sure you are using fixed screen mode and not resizeable mode
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