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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Activated it Have fun! Enjoy the trial!
  2. WIll be updating runecrafting shortly, working on some big updates aswell I hope that gets rid of the minor flaws ^^ If you run into any issues, please let me now so I can narrow them down!
  3. Have fun with the trial Enjoy the trial!
  4. Have fun with the trial!
  5. It's almost done, Just doing a lot of test to make sure it works completely. Not a big fan of releasing half assed features like some people
  6. Enjoy the trial! Khal Agility (All in One) to V2.02: - Updated Agility Pyramid! Will be online in a few hours! Enjoy!
  7. Thx! would be very helpfull
  8. Hmm ok, Is there anything special in the logger?
  9. Mirror is slower then injection in some methods ... which makes it annoying to make somehting that works 100% on both modes ^^ OK thx! You need more then 1 ring of duelling to make it work. Have you zoomed out before starting? No rune pouch support atm, atleast not for lavas at this point Will take a look at this later today!
  10. No bullshit, either bad luck by getting caught by a jmod or it was simply a delayed bann from another script. Getting banned wihtin an hour is actually not possible, they never auto bann an acc that quick ^^ Using mirror mode could also lower the chance of getting banned ^^
  11. Thx for the feedback, 1) That's not supossed to happen obviosuly, will check that out 2) It works goof at injection though, mirror is too slow to run this properly... Should just disable that and make it chisel them at the runestones 3) So it runs around it instead of using the shortcut I assume? I've been using it until 95 rc now will test run some more and kepe you up to date
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