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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Script updated to V1.36: - Depositbox added and can now be used - Added new Vein selection Mode! (Beta mode) It is now possible to select the veins you want to mine, everything else will be ignored. Will idle if no vein can be mined or is available! Enjoy the Update!
  2. hmm not sure if they are different than other trees ... can u screenshot it when u right click the teak?
  3. Good suggestion, will take a look at that
  4. I can take a look at that sir
  5. Enjoy your trial Sir! Try to take enough breaks and bot only on times you would actually play
  6. Good to hear You won't regret ^^
  7. Ya should be online in a few hours
  8. Will take a look thx for reporting!
  9. Even after selecting teaks on the custom mode?
  10. Will take a look at this in a few hours Thx for the feedback and suggestions Only doing 24h atm, Enjoy the trial!
  11. Couldn't find the issue, will check again in a bit! What do you mean with the weapon? You have to start it completely geared up
  12. Try it, Use the custom method with banking enabled Let me know
  13. Activated! Have fun Enjoy the trial
  14. Enjoy the trial Sir It's only 24h from the moment it gets activated I can see in my logs you used it for a while
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