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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Sure enjoy! Weird, will check it out! What's the script status? Have fun! ;D
  2. Working on it, will try to get it online tomorrow
  3. Yes it does support karambwans with Fairy rings Try to restart client, can you show me the GUI before you start?
  4. Ya it can do that sometimes, if you click behind the gate right when someone closes it makes your character run around
  5. Enjoy! In the bag? Sounds horrifying Could you get me a screenshot?
  6. Welcome back to RS! Take a look here: https://osbot.org/forum/forum/249-scripting-help/
  7. Oh sad You can always ask a new one later!
  8. Ya that's pretty quick ... Try to bot when jagex isn't in the office or try the mirror mode it helps a lot aswell It's more safe
  9. Enjoy! Well I give away some free trials ^^ So people can try it out Did you try it?
  10. Damn that's quick Mirror mode helps a lot ... I use it almost every time
  11. Have fun! Enjoy the trials!
  12. Paying with gold is possible $ is easier and can be done straight from the OSbot store
  13. Enjoy! Not yet, still on my todo
  14. Enjoy your trial! Why would the script be sold in the store if it doesn't work?
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