If it gets kicked for inactivaty, your client probably get stuck... bcs it should never even get kicked in the first place. (I rna it for 200h+ and never had it kicked so :/)
And it will back if you are on the shore, so that's probably why your client got stuck, try to screenshot next time and also copy the log from the logger
Khal Fisher ( All In One) Updated to V2.13:
- Added Extra option to set Bot presets (Fixed screen, zoom, shift key, esc key, disbale roofs)
- Powerfishing will now withdraw tools from closest bank if none found
Will be live soon
- Bank tutorial is on your end, nothing to do with the script
- Start it with an axe... Axe upgrading has never bin added, don't see where I said it was added?
- Is that when using the custom location?
Will take a look if I can add all of this today
That's the point of the net... You can't see properly if it's broken until it's too late
Spamm clicking is the way to go to repair it, even for legit players