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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. The game doesn't always need bailing, it rarely happends, so you won't get points ever ... So I can just remove that options and it's fixed
  2. if you use the afk mode it acts like an afk player so it will be slower else it will be instant. I will remove the chiseling while walking, it's not worth doing in my eyes, especially on mirror it's way to slow and not worth
  3. There are no trials on this script
  4. Well if you select potions and it there aren't any stam and super energy potions left it will just stop running indeed. Will take a look at the CLI file EDIT: Fixed the issue and should be solved in V1.07, make sure to save the files again when that version is live
  5. I personally run it myself 5-6h a day but I take a lot of breaks in between. It's hard to tell what works for you since every account is different, if yu don't wanna risk it just keep doing what is working for you Why do you want those added? Odd request Just use cakes? You don't need stamina pots on rooftops, get yourself the gracefull parts one by one
  6. There are no mouse teleports in osbot, it always moves in a certain path
  7. Hey there! I used to make a tons of accounts to, I always loves starting over and then get bored of too much grinding
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