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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Ya it should be, will also check some more stuff
  2. What do you mean by authorize?
  3. Try to restart mirror mode, make sure to login after hooking mirror. Else stuff like this can ahppen where items in bank or inventory are not being recognized Enjoy!
  4. You can't eat those fishes, the only thing you can do is cut them Sure! Have fun
  5. Sure! Enjoy the trials of the best magic script out here
  6. Try to NOT walk them GE, seen people getting banned aswell when using webwalker that early after tut island. Also try not to drop the items and see if that helps
  7. Strange, I just made 5 in a row and no banns here at this point. What did you do after tut island? did you let them walk to GE?
  8. Just powerfishing for those, why do you want to bank them?
  9. Use fixed screen and zoom out
  10. Well can't say why they got banned, but if you use home IP and mirror mode and don't create too many in a short time span it shouldn't be an issue. I make several a day for the past few months and I never have any banns or locks Well people make over 1k accs a day on the script and I never hear anything about banns. Banns on tut island are non existant due to botting itself. Banns only happen when using proxies or when you use stealth or you just create too many in a short timespan, for the rest tutorial island is bann free.
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