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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. yes, but there is always a chance to die if you have some bad luck. So no guarantuees
  2. use fresh accounts insteaqd, they have lower bann rates than a hand played account. The change in behaviour and change of client is easy to detect Use mirror mode to reduce that if you bot main accs
  3. it will only equip one whenever you bank, make sure you have it check in the task to use them.
  4. When there is people nearby that could possibly fuck you over When they start planting in your selected patches it might fuck up
  5. 4h seems pretty decent, mirror mode preffered.
  6. that's an interaction issue son osbots side, what you can do to improve this is to not zoom out all the way but zoom in a bit. Make sure to be on fixed screen all the time if you didn't yet If you see this again, can you send me a screenshot of where its standing and the current script status in the paint, so I can check it again.
  7. It already has that, you just have to activate the option on the gui. - Burn remaining logs/kindslings in the end Enjoy the trial!
  8. Only doing 24h trials, enjoy!
  9. 99% of the times indeed :} There is a chence I fucked up something, but after thousand of hours of testing that chance gets very small Well if it dies there is something wrong with the client setup or the acc setup. Send me where it died and how it died and some screenshots It should never die in the first place, if it does not die, you don't need to collect loot :)
  10. What do you mean? you want to make broad bolts with the script?
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