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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. smart calc has nothing to do with the end of a game, it just make sure it gets the points you inputted will be gained. If you want all to be lit at the end, enable the option to burn all on the Gui Smart calc just makes sure you get the points you put in the gui ^^
  2. Ya it's a common issue where mirror mode can't detect messages at some points, will see if I can add something for it to counter that Thx for the screenshots! They help a lot EDIT: Fixed in version V1.01
  3. I'll force it to zoom out, that's why there is a set bot defaults checkbox ont he GUI It takes care of that aswell. but it still failed often? No trials on this script
  4. Ya I know, but GE restockig changes a lot in every script, it's never just 1 task 1 task becomes 50 tasks before you can blink ^^
  5. Will check this out, can you send me a screenshot of how the message looks? Enjoy!
  6. You already have an expired trial
  7. You already have an expired trial
  8. What settings are you using? I tried a few runs but didn't see anything weird
  9. Not yet, on mirror it will always be slower, because if it's humanlike on injection it's too slow for mirror. If it's humanlike for mirror it's too fast on injection. I still prefer to folow injection since that's the main client and it works the best in my opinion. Use the afk mode instead it's a lot more safe for banns and the exp/h isn't even much lower. Your account will thank you later
  10. Not atm but it's on my todo list
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