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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Reading the documentation usually helps https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/Walking.html By default the threshold is set 2 and 5 ^ You will have create your own WalkingEvent and set setMinDistanceThreshold(0) WalkingEvent event = new WalkingEvent(position); event.setMinDistanceThreshold(0); execute(event); You should never execute any code thats interacts with the game in any way in the onMessage method in my opinion, should only be done in the onLoop. Also mirror mode can skip messages very easily, so checking messages should never affect any script logic
  2. There are no updates ... Works just fine atm Try to delete your osbot folder and try again Should be located under C:/Users/YOURNAME/Osbot
  3. Been taking a look at it and I did change some things. Also mirror seems to act very weird around the portals sometimes. Khal Agility (All in One) updated to V2.43: - Improved priffdinas course Live soon! Enjoy! Enjoy!
  4. Let me know how 2.27 works for you when it gets live Khal Tutorial island updated to V2.27: - Improved dialogue speed - Improves customizing acc appearance Will be live soon Enjoy!
  5. Mirror is great, recommended Enjoy! Thx for letting me know and the feedback! I make 5-10 accs every single day and I haven't had a bann in a long time Mouse movement -> are you using new mouse? If Not -> all scripts have the same mouse algorithm. If Yes -> I can improve the speed some more or make it more random Speed -> what is considered speed? could be a lot of things, speed to go through chats I guess? Interaction -> What's wrong with interaction? etc -> ? Please clarify so I can make the changes and some upgrades
  6. Khal Pest control (All in One) updated to V1.56: - Added Osmumten's fang as spec weapon Live soon Enjoy!
  7. Khal Fisher (All in One) updated to V2.34: - Added Clue bottle banking for karambwans Live soon Enjoy!
  8. Khal Woodcutter (All in One) updated to 2.42 - Added anti logout when you can chop longer than 5 min at a tree without needing to click it Live soon! Enjoy
  9. Khal Magic (All in One) updated to V1.27: - Added GE as bank - Added extra check to see if Attack options is not hidden when splashing + change it to an appropriate option when it's on hidden Will be live soon Enjoy!
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