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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. 1. Why are you commenting on the fisher topic if you post has nothing to do with the script? 2. I can bann whoever I want and whenever I want in my discord. It's a community to support people that use my scripts and love botting, toxic behaviour has no place in there. 3. If I would show your chat/behaviour from my discord in public here people would laugh in your face, stop acting like a 16y old.
  2. Might not be related to your problem but make sure to always null check before using am interact option. NPC Shopkeeper = npcs.closest("Shop npc"); Shopkeeper.interact("Trade"); Should be: NPC Shopkeeper = npcs.closest("Shop npc"); if(shopkeeper != null){ Shopkeeper.interact("Trade"); ... } For the rest, on what line are you getting an NPE?
  3. Should never be an issue, where does it get stuck for you?
  4. You appeal on the bann itself nowadays Go to your acc status on the website ^^
  5. Khal GOTR updated to V1.13: - Added Divine rune pouch support Will be live soon Enjoy!
  6. AS far as I know there are no known issues at this point, mind taking a screenshot when this happends, also open the logger That way I can see the status and the log and see what's going on
  7. Ya it might have clicked ont eh npc again, will add something fort hat
  8. So what was it doing that it couldn't open the settings? Was it mid conversation? Will check it out though!
  9. Not having any issues here, but I will take a look at it...
  10. Keep me updated, take a screenshot when it's not doing anything so I can see what's going on
  11. You have to add the first acc of your list to osbot and use that one to auto login. The rest of the list will be done by the script whenever the previous acc is done
  12. You just paste them in or what exactly do you mean?
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