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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. I just tested it, works just fine... Show some screenshots so atleast I know what you are talking about Because making darts is just spammclicking
  2. What are you talking about? Ofcourse it works like that
  3. Make sure you restarted your client
  4. No trials on this script
  5. Osbot client deals with that
  6. The fix is already pending, just waiting for osbot to apply. Pick another food type for now
  7. Might just wanna restart your client, should be impossible but will take a look at it first thing tomorrow
  8. ya I believe it's nice, just don't overdo it for every few seconds You could add it in the same conditional sleep, !spot.exists()
  9. There isn't a settings in the script or client that can fuck this up tbh, just basic webwalking tried to reinstall osbot completely by deleting the folder? Feel free to join the discord, talks easier
  10. Enjoy the trial! Yes that's possible
  11. it sleeps for maximum 10 seconds OR until it starts animating Make sure to wrap the interact in an if too, so you won't be waiting 10 seconds if the interaction failed if(spot.interact("Lure")){ new ConditionalSleep(10000) { @Override public boolean condition() { return myPlayer().isAnimating(); } }.sleep(); } https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/utility/ConditionalSleep.html For more info
  12. I have been running it non stop for weeks there and I never noticed this, nor are other people atm. I'm running it for 30 min right now and I did not skip it even once, so I believe the issues lies on your end somehow?
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