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$250.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Usually there is always a group running in the tempoross world
  2. Gloves of silince degrade... you will need multiple
  3. Did you try clearing cookies? Did that work?
  4. Try to clear your cookies or try in ignognito mode Enjoy!
  5. Even a human isn;t fast enough to do this. Deposit like 1-2 coal inventories before start ^^
  6. Try: - Disable adblock - Clear cookies If this didn't work try to open a new page in icognito mode
  7. What's the issue? Got a screenshot? Do you have an adblock enabled? can you try to disable it? Try to clear your cookies in your browser
  8. Check for the freeze message in the onMessage I would say
  9. Will check it out EDIT: Fixed it, should be live in a few hours
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