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Khaleesi last won the day on March 10

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About Khaleesi

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    Pleasing YOU with delicious scripts <3

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Champion Poster

Champion Poster (10/10)




Community Answers

  1. hmm strange, will check it out! If you want the wc exp, you are probably better off just chopping some willows instead
  2. Thanks for letting me know, fixed in V3.05, should be online in a few hours
  3. hmm will try to check it out, a screenshot would be handy if u catch it
  4. I will have to take a look at it
  5. it does not atm, which npc or locations are u refering too?
  6. 1. There is no such thing as repairing a pouch unles being close to the npc or using NPC contact, so what you state isn't a functionals scenario. The problem is that users are always making a lot of assumptions of certain things and passing info that's biased on your though process. you can't know how the script functions if you did not write it... I just need raw data without the fiiltered thought process I just just a screenshot with a status and I will know 10 times more than you will ever be able to explain to me, if that makes sense ^^ 2. Same here, where does it get stuck, what was it doing, what was the script status, how did the inventory look, where was the acc standing. Simply grab a screenshot and script status in the paint I know everything I need to know I tried to replicate this over 50 times and did not do it once, than i watch a screenshot and have that aha moment of a potential issue
  7. it's missing food, probably just wants to bank. Grab a screenshot when it;s like that i says a lot more than some words here
  8. 1.There is no logic when something breaks based on area so that's not a thing 2. weird, there is a check if it conteains any loot items it will always bank first, maybe missclick or something, will check it 3. nmo human breaks every 15-20 mins while doing gotr, thats every 2 games
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