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Status Replies posted by Nick

  1. Smart

    Smart    Nick

    hello sir do u have rsgp for sale ty

    1. Nick


      lolwut r u srs.

      RS makes me want aids

  2. Genii

    Genii    Nick

    Can you recall how much you sold the 120cb account to him for? http://osbot.org/forum/topic/56617-dispute-against-tyler/

  3. Thread is deleted so I can't see your reply. :(

  4. Smart

    Smart    Nick


  5. Thank you based Nick.

  6. Ely

    Ely    Nick

    I keep trying to give you 5 stars dammnit

    1. Nick


      :c i like my 2 stars

  7. y r u closing my topics? i have clear evidence he scammed me off site... he advertised as private proxies but they were not private......

    1. Nick


      Stop creating disputes when you've already been given an answer in your previous ones.


  8. i got an alaskan malamute =3

    1. Nick


      coolio. we have a real mean one @ work so i don't like them very much

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Could you please add my Skype: kezm0n

    1. Nick


      I added you a long time ago and it still says pending contact request. You'll have to add me for now since I'm on my phone: nickxat

  10. You are a good mod, but stop acting like a robot lol.

  11. were you made chip trader at velocity?

    1. Nick


      Nope. Never even joined.

  12. Ely

    Ely    Nick

    Rated you 5 stars bb

    1. Nick


      omfg thx. still at 2 tho cuz 5 is mainstream

  13. Nick > Solstice btw 5* star rated profile <3

  14. Sex

    Sex    Nick

    Learn to get 1,000 posts

  15. If you really want a colored name, sell me Nick. :troll1:

  16. What can mods do that you can't?

  17. I like how you got a new pip and you start acting like a mod.

  18. Smart

    Smart    Nick

    Good job on your promotion, you'll be an excellent asset to the team. ^_^

  19. Why is a CBA not in the CB?

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