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Trade With Caution
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About No1

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  1. http://superscriptfactory.com/signatures/gen/randomdude1996.png I think i'm doing just a little bit better..
  2. Coding is not hard once you get used to the certain language. I just think it is really boring unless there's someone who praises you for great work
  3. Jagex can track down your bots with credit card info, but they can't ban the ones that aren't botting then :p So don't worry about your main etc..
  4. Are you planning to build it from parts? Would get better cheaper :p
  5. Hahahahah i made that kinda excuses too sometimes xD
  6. Could you give us the date when the lottery will be held? This avatar is driving me nuts...
  7. I think this'll be first osbot 2 script i'll use
  8. No1

    cb down?

    Perhaps he's missing some addon from his browser or something?
  9. Thanks for the info, gotta go and change my pass
  10. No1


    use long breaks and don't bot any high risk skill
  11. hpy bday gonna buy yo a present
  12. You can only get banned on a account if you use bot client/bot, i don't think his main is in danger..
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