1. Pictures of the account stats
https://gyazo.com/5ec0590aa0c7fa17a633a77f3bb34a0b 2. Pictures of the login details
https://gyazo.com/65a426a053a2c482e0079cb1f857051a 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) 4. Pictures of the quests completed
https://gyazo.com/1be84d92d5fb4ffe85e88a3f835a9877 5. The price you will be starting bids at 1m. 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account
N/A 7. The methods of payment you are accepting
OSGP 8. Your trading conditions. I will go first if you are trusted or middleman. 9. Pictures of the account status
https://gyazo.com/b4c05612e2dd0ac26996660890cf4d6a 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address
I Am OO. Email will be changed to yours.
Account has an Original Username.
ive just had a perm banned account squashed but it only took half of the bar away leaving a 2 day ban.
is there anyway to clean the slate completely leaving it with no bans.
its an account i had back then shared with a mate although he made the account but he was hardly on.So basically im partially the OO.
When i say "Back then" i mean 6+years
1. Pictures of the account stats
https://gyazo.com/346739bac973b538e573e1de7b6d74ac 2. Pictures of the login details
https://gyazo.com/48f508bc816261490887af8502cec53c 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any)
https://gyazo.com/739bd8dee5de1df949198c1316e4bd48 4. Pictures of the quests completed.77 quest points
https://gyazo.com/11889bd3c24091a77aec38d1f6497c2f 5. The price you will be starting bids at
10m 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account
30m 7. The methods of payment you are accepting
osrs gp 8. Your trading conditions
you first or middleman 9. Pictures of the account status
https://gyazo.com/e035f7801abe544ed92d3760f8830e4f 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address.
Bought this account 5+ years ago pre eoc.Has username login. Attack is fully quested. Im taking full responsibility for the account.
1. Pictures of the account stats
https://gyazo.com/07f3f49eee5b7e72fa88f77a05beedd0 2. Pictures of the login details
https://gyazo.com/d256a585ae3f294fd9ccc6894295f7d3 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any)
https://gyazo.com/75de6bd189c7b226145ee631846d8214 4. Pictures of the quests completed
25 quest points. Guthans nmz/avas done. 5. The price you will be starting bids at
40m 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account.
80m. 7. The methods of payment you are accepting
Osrs gp only 8. Your trading conditions
if you are trusted ill go first or we can use middleman 9. Pictures of the account status
https://gyazo.com/b2ee7db281569b7a2553a546fc42f467 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address.
Has full melee void.