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Everything posted by BotRS123

  1. Wasn't sure if you were trying to throw a joke in there or not, but if you were, not bad. I seen myself get banned, too. It is one of the what the fuck moments...
  2. BotRS123

    New shirt

    Not a big fan of the shirt (in terms of the design).
  3. Civil war is never good. Bye bye.
  4. What a short and lame update... you gotta do something crazy, then update us. It is more exciting that way.
  5. I never win jack from those spins. I spin a few times when I get mems, but then I forgot.
  6. It worked Thanks for fixing it.
  7. It worked or at least it did on my side.
  8. You can remove PseudoManKiller and PseudoRangingGuild, too. No one should have access to it anymore since they were monthly scripts.
  9. Combat brace is always better for bonus, but they do cost ALOT more. There isn't much difference between the two in terms of bonus, so most people will just stick to using mith gloves.
  10. I am guessing that someone already took OSBot as a username.
  11. Love the new updates. Keep them coming. Can't wait to see the new improvements in action. I am guessing @Dreamliner got paid.
  12. That is not what I read on their site from a link that someone posted. I guess they don't update their stuff... I don't spend my time watching or listening or reading what they do or do not do.
  13. That is quite unfortunate. Jagex claims they don't ban accounts that never botted.
  14. I really like your answer. I would delete Google. I don't hate Google; I just want to see how the world would be like without them. EDIT: I found a better answer. STDs
  15. Keep up the cleaning. Scrub a dub dub. Thanks @Alek.
  16. Welcome to OSB. If you don't want to get banned, then don't bot. There is always a chance of being banned when you bot.
  17. While you are looking at the bank scrolling, could you also take a look at the other bank related bugs?
  18. Bye bye @Epsilon. Who will keep the chat clean now?
  19. +10 and -10. I am curious to know how OSBot will be like in a few months.
  20. Bye bye @Dashboard. Where are you leaving to? Another community or just quitting botting?
  21. BotRS123

    OSBot 2.2.8

    Where'd you get that?
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