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Everything posted by Czar

  1. thank you for all the posts, don't worry for the script stopping if out of runes etc, it has been mentioned to the devs, along with misclicking, so everything will be fine in the next osbot client version hopefully. if anything, I will make my own x,y coordinates for the spells if I have to
  2. @1k0ed Banking is working, in fact I don't even think it ever messed up, you just probably did something wrong. Make sure to hook mirror mode while logged out, and to load your inventory correctly. If there is no food (whatsoever), the script will walk to bank
  3. In automatic mode it AFKs anywhere near the closest rock crab, and it will only walk away like that in mirror mode, I may add a timer to it if necessary. As for the 2-3 tiles thing, sure, guess I am going to go back to waterbirth island and spend more time on it since waterbirth is a tricky feature
  4. Added a small fix for barbarian fishing and barbarian village banking, update will be available within a few hours ;)
  5. Enable curse+alch option in gui and set the spell to stun, enter npc name and item name to alch, and let it run ;)
  6. If it ever gets stuck either restart the client or use an older version of mirror, also just make sure you hook mirror while logged out if you use mirror
  7. Czar


    nope its p2p and it's around break-even profit (correct me if i'm wrong)
  8. Czar


    Try .77, if not, try using normal runescape instead of osbuddy. @Potential customers, don't worry this script is not broken or anything ;) Still going strong since october, the script has only ever not worked 3 times in its entire history, for less than 12 hours each time.
  9. Good luck, should be there in no time ;)
  10. Czar


    show me a screenshot of your client, if nothing still works, restart the client edit: trust me, once you configure it right, the script will NEVER stop/break ever, it's incredibly stable
  11. I will be making some changes to superheat, since the client cannot seem to detect nature runes and its making the script stop update coming within 1 hour
  12. Czar


    Make sure - fixed mode, no transparent interfaces - Right-click is enabled in settings tab (rs) and it will work perfectly
  13. done, 24 hours enjoy ;)
  14. some scripters in skype claimed this has happened to them before, but rarely. they claimed it happens during loading regions, i've never really had this issue until the new experimental 1.061 mirror
  15. hmm have you tried mirror 1.061? latest one
  16. i fixed all issues in previous versions
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