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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Alright I will change some of the pathfinding nodes asap
  2. Czar

    MirrorClient v1.08

    Wew these mirror updates are impressive, gj MGI ;)
  3. Czar


    Sure I can add that, just didn't think the user cares about that :P will be in next version dw ;)
  4. I told you, anti-ban = ban. my script makes use of antipattern to not look like a bot a typical bot would check xp every 5-10 minutes, even jagex knows that. this would form a pattern over time in fact the mousehandler is pretty nice, apart from the occasional misclicks, because it operates exactly as a human would, the only way you got caught - botting in bad time - botting too much - got caught from previous scripts ,delayed ban - obvious botting, you were sniped by jmod other than that it couldn't be anything else, because mirror is undetectable, so just bot smart and you will be fine
  5. @Piggy Wiggy is a legend if you have any questions/issues with the actual script and not client, tell me and I'll make some changes. I have posted a fix which makes the bot walk faster to the ore sack to collect ore
  6. use mirror 1.7, it fixed the regional bug (which is causing your described bug)
  7. unlucky mate all you had to do was bot in GE underneath all the 1000 users and you wouldn't have gotten caught use mirror mode next time, and go in highly populated worlds
  8. Czar


    If you are having issues: - make sure to use latest osbot client - make sure to use latest mirror mode (if vip) - make sure to use fixed mode, and no transparent interfaces - make sure to enable right-click-only in rs click settings tab that's all I can think of, if there are still issues PM me and I will fix ASAP. There haven't been real issues for this script in months, so don't worry guys
  9. Are you hooking mirror mode while logged in or out, make sure while logged out. Also, are you using experimental osbot client/mirror or stable? I can run some more tests if you confirm those ^
  10. done, 24 hours ;) Version 2.065 - Changed some pathfinding nodes, walking should be more smooth now - Improved barbarian fishing code - Now searches for fishing spots in more depth, and doesn't loop around when walking update will be live within a few hours ;)
  11. Czar


    Unlucky mate, you win some you lose some - just bot smart and you can bot 100+ hrs like other users here. Bot ting on rs update days = big nono .. :p delete random.dat and rscache and start fresh with mirror only
  12. no worries i'll investigate the cause and provide a fix, sorry about that. will post an update soon and extend trial
  13. strange, can you post a screenshot with the console log open? or just restart client and tell me if it happens again
  14. Czar


    impressive progress report
  15. use latest mirror that just came out .7, it has a pretty epic update xD
  16. script is released, enjoy guys! It is free script for 1 week, have fun looking for bugs, remmeber to post them here and post proggies too! ;)
  17. Czar

    MirrorClient v1.07

    Yesss another great update, gj@@
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