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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Script has now been updated, good luck all PM me if you are eligible for czarscript deals (buy 2 get 1 free or buy 3 get 2 free) Set the title to [CZARBOT DEAL]
  2. Version 0.70 - Camelot tab is now back to normal Arrows can be looted, just select 'loot arrows' button, but make sure to have the arrows equipped when starting the script
  3. Unlucky don't forget, botting is against rules Here are some anti-ban tips which depends on you: Avoid botting on an account with 2 day bans, avoid botting multiple accounts same ip, delete jagexcache if you get banned, reset IP, and start over use mirror mode if you want extra antiban etc.
  4. Sure, I will activate trial for 48 hours, because there is an update pending for bank-related magic spells It will only take 3-4 hours max
  5. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I will add the other chest location in ardougne in the next update, thanks for feedback As for the anti-suicide, it will eat any food in your inventory that it finds
  6. Ah sorry guys it was a bad update, I have just posted a fix, it will be live within a few hours, everything back to normal
  7. Sure I can easily add running only to the fishing spot, but is it something that everybody wants? If I make it just for one person maybe others will complain :P
  8. done refresh scripts and good luck !
  9. Yes I have answered your pm, sorry I get a lot of pm's daily As for bugs, don't forget to paste the error log if there is ever an issue, and it will be fixed within 5 minutes!
  10. 0.39 is the latest version, I just added a few nice updates, it will be live within a few hours max
  11. sure, refresh scripts and enjoy !
  12. done, refresh scripts and good luck !
  13. Czar


    also remember to delete jagexcache, random.dat and store.dat if you ever get banned, so that you can start fresh and no bans will be linked to your accounts good luck all ;)
  14. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Here is what updated version looks like: There was an error in the SDN that's why the admin couldn't add the updates, but it is all solved now and we are just waiting for 1 more update today
  15. Czar


    Change the mouse zoom if you want to get rid of the jagged camera, good luck ! ;)
  16. Alright, another update for granite m1d1 coming up, thanks for feedback
  17. I just asked if fishing guild was okay, you didn't even provide an error report or anything. Anyhow let me know if there are still any issues and I will have an update within 5 minutes As for the newer version, we must wait until an admin updates the scripts, it usually takes a few hours to verify all scripts on osbot (to check for security etc) but it happens 2 times a day Good luck all, if there are ever any issues, just post the error message and it will be fixed in no time
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    I've posted the update for HP slider, just waiting for admins to update the script, they usually take some time to verify every single update (to make sure osbot is secure) @Rogue chests - I will add an option for users who don't want to steal from all 3 rogue chests ;) I've posted the update for HP slider, just waiting for admins to update the script, they usually take some time to verify every single update (to make sure osbot is secure) @Rogue chests - I will add an option for users who don't want to steal from all 3 rogue chests ;)
  19. Yep I just added an update to make it more efficient, update will be live within a few hours
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