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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Alright, version 0.71 has just been posted, it will now bank normally, thanks for feedback Update will be live within a few hours
  2. Alright I have added an extra update for distance checks, thanks for feedback
  3. If the script has massive mistakes (e.g. can't reach that!') messages on chatbox, fails everywhere etc. that is bad But if the script is fine (which it currently is :P) then anti-ban solely depends on how you bot, so make sure you don't bot more than 12 hours a day, and 18 hours/day if using mirror mode. Make sure to log out during RS livestreams, bot busting streams, don't bot on multiple accounts same ip, make sure to reply to ingame chat, don't appear as a bot, and if you follow all of these, you won't have any problems with bans
  4. Alright I just posted another update for version 0.42 Currently getting ~65k profit/hr with rune axe (i know ) script doesn't seem to be doing anything wrong anymore, I changed some of the walking code. New update: - Added pinpoint walking code - Added fail-safe for banking -- Now bank booths are prioritized over bank npcs update will be live within a few hours, thanks for the feedback, good luck all
  5. Try the script one more time, I made an update for granite mining so it doesn't drop waterskins anymore (m1d1 option)
  6. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    No, the console log shows the latest version grabbed from the server, (0.42 in this case), and 0.4 is the current script version. I will change the text to make it simple to understand @Trial, activated, good luck !
  7. Thanks for feedback, just posted an update for the next version
  8. That just means the camera is moving toward the next NPC, either it can't find the npc (due to mirror mode being hooked incorrectly perhaps?) or the mouse zoom is too near. Try changing the settings and let me know what happens I just tested the script with iron knives for 1.5 hours, no problems whatsoever o_O
  9. I have I have manually activated the script, good luck ! Yes sure I can easily add random mouse movements, I will imitate off-screen mouse movement too
  10. Alright thanks for the feedback, if that bug ever happens again, tell me how you made it happen and which mode you selected (selected from map vs selected from list) and it will be fixed within 30 minutes
  11. I will add a smaller delay in every action in the next script version, thanks for the feedback
  12. done, refresh scripts and enjoy !
  13. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Version 0.42 - Added more NPCs to supported list, added default npc mode (it will pickpocket the closest npc that it finds, with no extra unnecessary checks - Extended the HP input to all thieving types - Added improvements to rogue chests Update will be live within a few hours, good luck all the pathfinding log message will be gone for all pickpockets, too
  14. An update will be placed ASAP, make sure to use a bank which is normal (ge, varrock, falador etc, don't go to some weird npc bank or something that is not ordinary :P) EDIT: New Update! Version 0.18 - Fixed banking bug - Fixed stringing bug update will be live within a few hours, don't post until the script shows 0.18, as I have made many improvements and efficiency features !
  15. Script has now been updated, good luck all PM me if you are eligible for czarscript deals (buy 2 get 1 free or buy 3 get 2 free) Set the title to [CZARBOT DEAL]
  16. Version 0.70 - Camelot tab is now back to normal Arrows can be looted, just select 'loot arrows' button, but make sure to have the arrows equipped when starting the script
  17. Unlucky don't forget, botting is against rules Here are some anti-ban tips which depends on you: Avoid botting on an account with 2 day bans, avoid botting multiple accounts same ip, delete jagexcache if you get banned, reset IP, and start over use mirror mode if you want extra antiban etc.
  18. Sure, I will activate trial for 48 hours, because there is an update pending for bank-related magic spells It will only take 3-4 hours max
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