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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Now it does, make sure to use latest OSBot client, they just added some updates
  2. done, refresh scripts and enjoy ! Btw guys, the client has been fixed thanks to osbot developers good luck guys !
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    If you are receiving the pathfinding message, change between simple mode on and simple mode off, some pickpocket areas don't work too good with simple mode (or vice versa)
  4. Make sure to use OSBot 2.4.9, it was just released today, good luck ! everything back to normal As for deadman mode, I will make some changes to it asap some changes to shilo village too
  5. Make sure to use OSBot 2.4.9, it was just released today, good luck ! everything back to normal
  6. Try again, it should be fixed now Make sure to use OSBot 2.4.9, it was just released today, good luck ! everything back to normal
  7. Alright use 2.4.8 then if it forces update The client developers have fixed all banking issues I assume
  8. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    For stalls make sure you are in a high populated world so that the bot knows what to do and can speed-steal the stalls EDIT: @Trials - done, enjoy !
  9. Done, refresh scripts and good luck ! I have given you all 48 hour trials, because OSBot client is having some issues with all banking-related code, so there may be some issues there temporarily note: all bots on the entire site have banking issues temporarily dont worry though devs are working on a fix ASAP
  10. No banks are working at the moment, the developers messed up the latest OSBot update, which means all bots on this entire website are broken (in terms of banking) Don't worry the developers will fix it ASAP note: all bots on the entire site have banking issues temporarily, use powerfishing for now (it will only be like 6 hours max, until the client developers fix it)
  11. Guys, don't use the latest osbot anymore, they made it buggy Use version 2.4.5, working like a charm for me
  12. Guys there has been an update, download osbot 2.4.8 (latest one) and it will detect items properly (this message is only to alchers) As for the deals, I will enable the free scripts ASAP good luck all
  13. Version 0.44 - Fixed deposit banking update will be live within a few hours, good luck all
  14. Ouch unlucky Pm me, I give p2p membership bonds to any user who ever gets banned with my scripts
  15. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    It should be 0.43 in a couple of hours (when the admins update the script) Anyhow, I have removed the inside npc option, so now it will search for pickpocketable npcs more easier (and it will not be stuck in bank anymore)
  16. Yep, just select combat mode
  17. Czar


    To all users: here is a nice visual guide for configuring the script optimally make sure to relog if the script doesn't respond otherwise just start the script while logged in, (after you relogged) and set the mouse settings like this: and the result: that is option 1 Option 2 is the opposite, so set mouse zoom to default and disable the ESC closes interface option As for the running away thing, I have just added another update which makes it double-check the mouse click before clicking
  18. Alright it will be fixed for the non-m1d1 mode, thanks for the feedback
  19. Yep, the 2 for 1 czarscript deal is still active As for the inventory thing, recent RS update made noted items null, so if there is any item you can alch that is not noted, it works. I have posted a bug report on the osbot thread though, so it will be back to normal in no time this affects all osbot bots btw, so it will definitely be solved
  20. If any account ever gets banned using my scripts, I offer the user a free p2p bond, I have ~15 bonds remaining EDIT: although please try to bot more careful next time, the script doesn't have mistakes/fails which causes the user to be banned, and the anti-ban does its job (there's nothing else to add to the antiban except for a human brain now) If the script has massive mistakes (e.g. can't reach that!') messages on chatbox, fails everywhere etc. that is bad But if the script is fine (which it currently is ) then anti-ban solely depends on how you bot, so make sure you don't bot more than 12 hours a day, and 18 hours/day if using mirror mode. Make sure to log out during RS livestreams, bot busting streams, don't bot on multiple accounts same ip, make sure to reply to ingame chat, don't appear as a bot, and if you follow all of these, you won't have any problems with bans
  21. gj on updates, nice to see the item selection one on there too
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