If any account ever gets banned using my scripts, I offer the user a free p2p bond, I have ~15 bonds remaining EDIT: although please try to bot more careful next time, the script doesn't have mistakes/fails which causes the user to be banned, and the anti-ban does its job (there's nothing else to add to the antiban except for a human brain now) If the script has massive mistakes (e.g. can't reach that!') messages on chatbox, fails everywhere etc. that is bad But if the script is fine (which it currently is ) then anti-ban solely depends on how you bot, so make sure you don't bot more than 12 hours a day, and 18 hours/day if using mirror mode. Make sure to log out during RS livestreams, bot busting streams, don't bot on multiple accounts same ip, make sure to reply to ingame chat, don't appear as a bot, and if you follow all of these, you won't have any problems with bans