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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Done, activated scripts, good luck ! Btw guys, magic is one of the lowest banrate scripts, please try to bot normally, don't bot too much and you will never get banned with magic
  2. Runite banking is like 500-1m/hr, I will add this ASAP !
  3. Czar


    Unlucky mate, make sure to bot carefully otherwise there is no point in botting (unless suicide goldfarming xD) here is the antiban quote: Also, I am still giving out free p2p membership bonds to any user whoever gets banned using any of my scripts
  4. It does fix it, just make sure to have a hammer in your inventory and it will fix it Let me know if you had a hammer and still didn't fix it, and I will add an update asap EDIT : just added a nice update, will be live ASAP
  5. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    done, refresh scripts and enjoy ! gratz on 99, added to thread! thanks for the progress reports guys, added this one to thread too Another update for the script coming today, some nice improvements to pickpocketing and guarded stalls (bake stalls etc) (EDIT: try to go into high populated worlds if you are doing guarded stalls (bakery stalls etc) so that the bot knows the best place to pickpocket from ) EDIT2: I just enabled the runaway position for bakery stall, it will now go east instead of run to bank. I will most likely add an option to kill the guard if attacked too
  6. Czar


    amazing progress reports
  7. Thanks for the feedback guys and thanks for the progress report As for karamja, I will reduce the amount of pathfinding calls (and in turn it will reduce memory), thanks for noticing that As for shilo village yes it is fixed As for fishing guild bank, that console log just saved me, thanks ! Update will be live within a few hours max
  8. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    No, it's one lifetime auth for unlimited accounts As for ardy bank, which thieving option did you use? I just made it go to nearest bank, maybe the bot was closer to north bank than south bank? o_O
  9. Version 0.45 - Added another update for nest looting - Bot now grabs axe from chicken pen if a death is detected - Depositing is now back to normal update will be live within a few hours, good luck all
  10. good job on progress report Version 0.57 - Superheating renamed to the actual bars now - Gold/silver ore works now update will be live within a few hours thanks for the feedback guys!
  11. Which ammo did you use? I can easily add the ammo within 1 minute :P
  12. Version 0.26 - Granite mining now works without using 'M1D1' option - Added base for banking (granite mining) it's beta atm inventory for future update: if you want to use granite banking, make sure you have many waterskin(4) in your bank, shantay pass, and 1k+ gp As for the deadman feature, those features are more for my deadman script (which used to be a questing script) here: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/61897-perfect-quester/ I will re-write that bot and suit it for deadman mode I will make it AIO mining, woodcutting, combat etc, with tasks so you can make it go to varrock, mine clay, go to falador, mine coal etc. and I will remove the quests (maybe)
  13. done, refresh scripts and good luck !
  14. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Alright, with npcs that are far away from the bank (ardy knights) make sure to avoid using simple mode when pickpocketing, otherwise it may have trouble finding the npc. If you didn't use simple mode, let me know and a fix will be placed ASAP Simple mode is more for master farmers, and gnomes etc.
  15. Fletching is a low ban-rate skill, so I highly recommend that Powerfishing - powerfish at barbarian village until you can do barbarian fishing (in the outpost) then gl for 99 XD As for other scripts, activated - good luck
  16. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Alright, I have given you a temporary 24h access until your payment is processed As for the thieving cakes, I have just posted an update which makes the bot run here: Latest version is now 0.43
  17. Czar


    No clue, seems like a client issue - make sure your breaks are set properly and make sure each break dialogue box is more than 5
  18. Mousekeys has been removed by the developers, so the option does nothing at the moment I will remove it from the setup window, apologies all, I hope the other 2 mouse options are good enough As for update, will do
  19. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Done, refresh scripts and enjoy ! @bare, what is wrong with the bot? Let me know and it will be fixed within 5 minutes. If it is a certain feature you would like to see, just post here below, I'm here 24/7 to add features and fix bugs (if any) If you still absolutely must have a refund, just pm @Maldesto about it, you need to state the reason why though.
  20. Now it does, make sure to use latest OSBot client, they just added some updates
  21. done, refresh scripts and enjoy ! Btw guys, the client has been fixed thanks to osbot developers good luck guys !
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