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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Alright, world hopping for gem rocks will receive an update ASAP, I'm going to make my account p2p and go there to test it out. Can you screenshot what the bot does when the ore is gone? Is the name from the ore still there? E.g. for iron rocks it will say Iron on top of it Also here's a small proggy for rimmington mining:
  2. Czar


    Don't change brightness, change the mouse zoom and set it to far away (all the way to the left) and it will work as normal edit: although if you are using mirror make sure to hook mirror client while your rs account is logged out, if you made mistake of being logged in, just relog and it will be solved Script hasn't been modified so it still runs the same way it did with all those 50hr+ proggies good luck all
  3. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    If you are using mirror mode make sure you relog and hook it while your rs account is logged out, it always fixes that, don't worry that's a common mistake :p If not using mirror, hmm all I can think of is make sure to start the script standing near the correct position (under the chair object) and it should start working again
  4. Done, refresh scripts and enjoy ;)
  5. Done, refresh scripts and enjoy 24 hour trial ;)
  6. @Stracky copy and paste the console log and post here , I only made it log out if you run out of food in bank , run out of ammo or if you don't gain xp for 15 minutes @Trials - done
  7. If you get reported for botting make sure to do some stuff legit , or just log out for a few hours so it will reset, then continue botting as normal just make sure not to bot too much otherwise jmods will know you're a bot
  8. Gem rocks are only for screen mode, did you try it in screen mode?
  9. @Jeune why didn't you select screen mode for those trees? You can specifically choose a tree to cut, and cut all 3 if you wish But I will expand the rectangle area for the yews, thanks for feedback @Equipment - fixed in next update,
  10. If you attach the mirror client while your rs account is logged in, it can lead to problems - so make sure you are logged out when launching the mirror client and there should never be problems ;) glad to hear it's working
  11. It should show up immediately, depending on payment type - but I have activated it manually, good luck !
  12. Version 0.42 is now live, good luck all Mining guild is fixed edit: oh no banking has been fixed but the bot doesn't seem to return to the mining guild One more update guys and it will be back to normal, apologies all, it's pretty hard to code mining guild without having an account for your inconvenience I am temporarily giving away a premium script of mine (one of the more popular ones) for free, this will end when the fixed version of this script is live
  13. I was debating on whether to add hop if player talks/says your username but then it may happen too frequently and it can be patternized etc. Although I will most certainly add an option for it, thanks for the feedback As for world hopping it is temporarily disabled, it will be re-activated in the next update please make sure to set the user count to what is nearby only, not to players far away
  14. Unlucky mate Make sure to bot carefully , bots can only do so much, the rest is up to you to bot responsibly , not more than 12 hours/day (injection) and 18hrs/day (mirror), log out during livestreams, bot less on weekdays, don't go overboard botting on weekends etc.
  15. The script automatically updates, the 0.75 thing is just the last major build version, just look at the paint it will say PerfectCrabs 0.79 or w/e the latest version becomes
  16. Script is currently online and well, here is a screenshot:
  17. done, refresh scripts and enjoy ;)
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Blackjack will be live on the day that I can manage to get an account with the fued quest + high enough thieving level, don't worry it will be here soon As for trials, I have activated 24h trials, good luck ;)
  19. Level related tasks are now fixed in version 0.21, good luck all update will be live within a few hours max
  20. Version 0.09 posted - Added delay to door opening - Added improved pathfinding - No more stuck when safespotting or banking update will be live within a few hours, good luck all edit: Banking seems to work like a charm (tested for a few hours just walking to, and back), especially for injection mode (stealth mode). Unfortunately with mirror mode there is a chance the map can be bugged which means it can be stuck (happens to all bots on this site) and the mirror mode client developer @MGI has been notified. However, there is a workaround to this bug; try to stay in one place with the bot and the map will never be bugged (clientside) ** please note this bug affects ALL bots on this site , if using mirror mode , it is being worked on by the devs though **
  21. Yes that is fixed in 0.42, I guess there was at least /some/ progress made from 0.40 - 0.41 no worries though, in the latest update there are no problems whatsoever with mining guild, finally As for gem rocks, I will go do another test run there, thanks for the feedback
  22. For camera I usually just suggest that you set the mouse zoom to far away, to allow more objects to be seen in the view, this fixes everything ;) good luck !
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