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Everything posted by Czar

  1. It is available at ardougne, especially with screen mode Although if you want me to add it the list without screen mode, I can easily do that ;)
  2. Czar


    Make sure you have some gp in your inventory for the minigame :p
  3. Curse alching is supported, splash alching is kind of strange, but I can definitely add that :P Also, starting from the next update, I will be rolling out a new update for a highscores system, with monthly prizes of RSGP for users with the most script runtime (most hours botted in a month)
  4. I only had low exp because the account started from 1 range with bronze arrows and shortbow .. :P The xp rates go up to 40k depending on account , but if you were to buy a script for combat I would highly recommend experiments over rock crabs As for trial, done, good luck ;)
  5. Of course I will add rune ore but I need access to neitiznot to add rune ores there I can only add an untested beta version for runite ore in neitiznot
  6. Done, refresh scripts and enjoy ;)
  7. If there is ever a bug just post a screenshot of the client and the console log and it will be fixed ASAP Aside from that, a client restart literally solves everything :P
  8. Czar


    @Greengoe read the main thread man, if it still doesn't work you must've bought the wrong script. It's working for everybody, read the posts above :P I even wasted a bond to test it and it worked 100% perfectly awesome proggy btw: thanks @salv, added the progress report to main thread
  9. Done, refresh scripts and enjoy ;) Iron mining is currently the hot pick, for those of you wondering ;)
  10. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Yes it will run upstairs as a safety feature, just make sure to have some food and some prayer/super restore potions
  11. Script is 100% working, nothing was changed to make it suddenly not work Please start the script while logged in and set some food, and it will work very well edit: trials activated, good luck all, glad to see the positive feedback
  12. Make sure you start the script while the ore sack is empty, otherwise there can be problems after that, it will run perfectly fine ;) Let me know if it still happens and I will give it another test run
  13. Alright I have improved the fishing spot in the next version, also affects pathfinding too so it will operate in a more stable manner. Also, starting with the next update, I will be rolling out highscores for this script to prepare for some monthly prizes for the longest script users, here is a preview of the highscores system: Version 0.57 is the latest version, please allow a few hours for the script to be updated by admins Updates need to be verified manually for security ;)
  14. Starting from the next update, I will be finally introducing highscores for all czar/perfect scripts, here is a preview Once the system is ready, it will show the total time, logs, exp etc. along with a rank, and I will be doing prizes so every month a big prize will be given out for longest time ran edit: I have activated all trials, good luck ;)
  15. Posted an update for range, had to test it from 1-33 range (then 33 + range pot for range guild to 99) on my new pure, worked well didn't have to babysit or anything
  16. Czar


    Script is running like an absolute charm, shame on you whoever made me waste a bond, get 33 range and confirm it's still working :p I was just paranoid I guess ^^ runs so well @Salvia it should appear in the client, in the script collection when browsing for scripts, good luck mate ;)
  17. Alright since multiple users experienced it I will add another fail-safe to the mining guild entrance to make sure it doesn't get stuck, should be much better than before ;)
  18. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Done, refresh scripts and the script trial should appear, good luck ;)
  19. Trials activated, good luck all Latest update is now 0.65, had to add some changes to a few lunar spells and a few setup interface text, for simpler instructions Actually had the chance to test humidify before posting an update, so humidify will be much better in this update :P EDIT: Updates are done automatically by the admin, please don't pm admins to update quicker because they will be angry and delay the updates most likely
  20. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Glad to see positive feedback and support, thanks guys Trials activated, good luck all EDIT: Forgot to mention, I added an update for rogue chests, it will now open the door before attempting to walk upstairs to safety, update will be live in the next version within a few hours max ^^
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